Celtic cognates - Countries

This page contains the names of various countries, nations and regions in the Celtic languages, including the Celtic nations/countries and some other countries.

Click on the English versions that are links and you will be taken to the Celtiadur, where you can see what each word means, and how some of them are pronounced. There are also details of related words and expressions, and words in older versions of the Celtic languages, such as Middle Welsh and Old Irish. More Celtic Cognates

Nations/Countries - Celtic

Alba Alba Nalbin Yr Alban Alban Bro Skos Scotland
Albain Nua Alba Nuadh (Yn) Albin Noa
Nalbin Noa
Alban Newydd Alban Nowydh (Bro-)Skos Nevez Nova Scotia
An Bhreatnain Bheag A' Chuimridh Vretin Veg Cymru Kembra Kembra Wales
Briotáin Breatna Britaan Llydaw Bretonek
An Chórn An Chòrn Corn
Cernyw Kernow Kerneveur Cornwall
Éire Èireann Nerin Iwerddon Iwerdhon Iwerzon Ireland
Innis Mannain Èileann Mhanainn Ellan Vannin Ynys Manaw Manowek Manaveg Isle of Man

Countries / Regions - Other

An Chatalóin Catalòinia Yn Chataloan Catalwnia Kataloni Katalonia Catalonia
An Danmhairg An Danmhairg Yn Danvarg Denmarc Danmark Danmark Denmark
An Fhrainc An Fhraing Yn Rank Ffrainc Pow Frynk Bro-C'hall France
An Fhionlainn An Fhionnlann
Finnlynn Y Ffindir Pow Finn Finland Finland
An Ghailís Galicia Yn Ghaleesh Galisia Galisi Galiza Galicia
An Ghearmáin A' Ghearmailt Yn Ghermaan Yr Almaen Almayn Alamagn Germany
An Ghréig A' Ghrèig Yn Ghreag Gwlad Groeg Pow Grek Gres Greece
(Ελληνική Δημοκρατία)
An Iorua Nirribhidh Norlynn Norwy Norgagh Norvegia Norway
An Íoslainn Na Tìrean Ìsle Yn Çheer Injil Gwlad yr Iâ Island Island Iceland
An Ísiltír Innis Tìle Yn Eeslynn Yr Iseldiroedd Iseldiryow Izelvroioù The Netherlands
An Phortaingéil A' Phortagail Yn Phortiugal Portiwgal Portyngal Portugal Portugal
An Rúis An Ruis Yn Roosh Rwsia Russi Rusia Russia
An Spáinn An Spàinn Yn Spaainey Sbaen Spayn Spagn Spain
An tSualainn An t-Suain Yn Toolynn Sweden Swedherwyk Sveden Sweden
An Úcráin An Ucràin Yn Ookraan Wcráin Ukrayn Ukraina Ukraine
Oileáin Fharó
Na Scigirí
Na h-Eileanan Fàro Ellanyn ny Geyrragh Ynysoedd Ffaröe Ynysow Faroe Faero
inizi Faero
Faroe Islands
Sasana Sasainn Sostyn Lloegr Pow Sows Bro-Saoz England
Tír na mBascach Theas Dùthaich nam Basgach Yn Çheer Vascagh Cymuned Ymreolaethol Gwlad y Basg Kemmynieth Omrewlys Bask Kumuniezh Emren Euskadi Basque Autonomous Community
(Euskal Autonomi Erkidegoa)
Tír na nÓg
Tír na nÓige
Tìr nan Òg Çheer ny Aeg Gwlad yr Ieuenctid Land of Youth
Land of the Young

Other countries are available

Celtic cognates

Complete Cognates, Partial Cognates . Cognates arranged thematically: Adjectives | Animals | Birds | Clothes | Colours | Conjunctions | Countries | Directions | Food and Drink | Landscape | Buildings | Languages | Metals | Musical terms | Numbers | Parts of the body | People | Pronouns | Prepositions | Sea creatures | Time expressions | Trees and Plants | Verbs | Weather | Tools | Other words | Names



The Celtiadur blog is a collection of Celtic cognates, with definitions, pronunciation, etymologies - includes the modern Celtic languages, older versions of these languages, such as Middle Welsh, Middle Breton and Old Irish, and their extinct and reconstructed relatives and ancestors, including Gaulish, Proto-Brythonic and Proto-Celtic.

Celtic Pathways

Celtic Pathways

On the Celtic Pathways podcast I discuss connections between the Celtic languages, and look for words with Celtic roots in non-Celtic languages, such as English, French, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese.


If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Celtic languages

Breton, Celtiberian, Cornish, Cumbric, Gaulish, Irish, Lepontic, Lusitanian, Manx, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh


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