This page contains words that are cognate in all or some of the six modern Celtic languages.
Click on the English versions that are links and you will be taken to the Celtiadur, where you can see what each word means, and how some of them are pronounced. There are also details of related words and expressions, and words in older versions of the Celtic languages, such as Middle Welsh and Old Irish. More Celtic Cognates
These words are cognate in all six Celtic languages.
Words marked † are archaic/obsolete.
Gaeilge (Irish) |
Gàidhlig (Gaelic) |
Gaelg (Manx) |
Cymraeg (Welsh) |
Kernewek (Cornish) |
Brezhoneg (Breton) |
English |
aice | aice | faare | ach | agh | agom† | nearness proximity lineage offspring |
aingeal | aingeal | aile | angel | eledh | ael | fire angel |
ainm | ainm | ennym | enw | hanow | anv | name |
ais | aiseal | essyl | echel | ahgel | ahel | axle axis |
anáil | anail | ennal | anadl | anal | anal | breath |
anam | anam | annym | enaid | enev | ene | soul spirit |
aois | aois | eash | oes oed |
oos ooj |
oad | age |
ár | àr | haar | aer | ar* hâr† |
aer | slaughter battle |
barr | bàrr | baare | bar | barr | barr | top point summit |
beatha | beatha | beaghey | bywyd | bewnans | buhez | life |
beannacht | beannachd | bannaght | bendith | bennath | bennozh | blessing benediction |
beo | beò | bio | byw | bew | bev | alive living |
binse | being | bink | bainc | bynk | menk | bench |
bior | bior | birr byr |
bêr | ber† | ber | point thorn spear |
bith† | bith | beays | byd | bys | bed | world being existence |
— | — | — | biwro | buro | burev | bureau office |
blaosc plaosc |
plaosg | bleayst | plisg(en) | plisk(en) | plusk(enn) | shell(s) husk(s) |
bord | bòrd | boayrd | bwrdd bwrd |
bord bordh |
bourzh | table board |
brath | brath | brah | brad | bras | barad | betray(al) treachery conspiracy deception |
brí | brìgh | bree | bri | bri | bri | strength essence power honour dignity |
brugh | brugh | brogh | bro | bro | bro | country territory broch |
bua | buaidh | booie | budd | budh | buz | victory profit |
buidéal | buideal botal |
boteil | potel | botel | boutailh | bottle |
buí | buidhe | booise | bodd | bodh | boz | thanks gratitude (good)will |
bun | bun | bun | bôn | ben | ben | base foundation |
caí | caoidh | coe | cwyn | kynvan | keuziañ | lament mourning weeping |
Cáisg | Càisg | Caisht | Pasg | Pask | Pask | Easter |
caileann | cailindha | caillyn | calan | kalan | kala kaland |
calends 1st of month |
carbad | carbad | carbyd | cerbyd | cerpit† | karbed | chariot car |
cárta | cairt | kaart caart |
card(en) cerdyn cardyn |
karten | kartenn | card |
carr | càr | carr | car | karr | karr | car chariot wagon |
cath | cath | cah | cad | kas | kad | battle |
ceap | ceap | kiap | cyff | kyf | kef | stock block trunk log |
céim | ceum | keim | cam | kamm | kamm | step |
Ceilteach Seilt |
Ceilteach | Celtiagh | Celt | Kelt | kelt | Celt |
ciorcal | cearcall | kiarkyl | cylch | kelgh kylgh |
klec'h | circle ring |
clog | clag | clag | cloch | klogh | kloc'h | bell clock |
clú | cliù | goo | clyw | klew | klev | hearing fame |
clupaid | crùbag criopag |
craplag | cylched | kolghes | golc'hed | fold wrinkle coverlet duvet |
colg | colg | caulg | col(a) coly |
kolgh | kolc'h | sword bristle prickle awn spike |
corda | còrd | coard coyrd(ey) |
cord | korden | kordenn | cord string rope |
cré | criadh | cray | pridd | pri | pri | clay soil ash |
criathar | criathar | creear | crwydr | kroder | krouer | sieve riddle wandering |
crith | crith | crie | cryd | kren | kren | fever trembling shaking |
cúl | cùl | cooyl | cil | kil | kil | back corner |
cuid | cuid | cooid | peth | pyth peth |
pezh | part portion thing piece |
cumaisc | coimeasg | covestey | cymysg | kemmysk | kemmesk | mix(ture) tumult blend(ed) |
curach | curach | curragh | corwg | koroug | korac'h | coracle currach |
deoir | deòr deur |
jeir | deigryn deigr |
dagren | daer | tear drop |
diaidh | dèidh | jei | diwedd | diwedh | diwezh | end after |
dréacht | dreachd | draght dreaght |
darn | darn | darn | part piece |
díoghail | dìoghail | jeeyl | dial | dial | dial | revenge vengence damage |
driocht | draoidheachd | druaight | derwyddiaeth | drewydhieth | drouizelezh | magic sorcery druidism |
feall | feall | foall | gwall | gwall | gwall | deceit treachery mistake defect |
fearsaid | fearsad feairisid |
fes | gwerthyd | gwerthys | gwerzhid | spindle axis axle |
féile | fèil | feaill feailley |
gŵyl | gool | gouel | feast festival |
feis | fèis | feish | gwest | gwester | guest† | festival entertainment guest |
ficheall | fidhcheall | feeal | gwyddbwyll | gwydhbol | gwezboell | chess |
flaith | flath | flah | gwlad | gwlas gulas |
glad | prince lordship country nation |
fleá | fleadh | fleah | gwledd | gwledh | gloê | feast banquet |
ga | gath | goull | gwayw | guw | goaf | spear javelin beam |
gair gáir |
goir gàir |
gerr | gair gawr |
ger | ger | call shout word |
gairm | gairm | gerrym | garm | garm | garm | call shout yell |
gal | gal | gaal gall |
gâl | gal | gal† | ardour vapour enemy |
galar | galar | gorley | galar | galar | glacʼhar | sickness disease grief |
geil | geil | gyndyr | gwellt | gwels | geot gwelt |
grass graze |
glóir | glòir | gloyr | gloria | glori | gloar | glory |
gríos | grìos | gree | gwres | gwres | gwrez | warmth heat |
lathach | lathach | lathar laagh |
llaid | leys | lec'hid | mud mire swamp |
leabhar | leabhar | lioar | llyfr | lyver | levr | book |
leath | leth | lieh | lled | les | led | half breadth width |
leathar | leathar | l(h)iare | lledr | ledher | lêr | leather hide skin |
luan | luan | lune | llun | lun | lun | Monday moon |
marbh | marbh | merriu marroo |
marw marwolaeth |
mernans | marv | dead death deceased |
measc | measg | mastey mestey |
mysg | mysk | mesk | jumble mix(ture) among(st) midst |
méid | meud | mooad | maint | myns | ment | size amount quantity |
mogall | mogal | moggyl | magl | maglen | maclou† | mesh husk snare trap |
muileann | muileann | mwyllin | melin | melin belin |
milin melin |
mill factory |
Nollaig | Nollaig | Nollick | Nadolig | Nadelik | Nedeleg | Christmas |
neart | neart | niart | nerth | nerth | nerzh | strength might power force |
oifig | oifig | offish oik |
offis | offis | ofis | office |
olann | olann | ollan | gwlân | gwlan | glaon | wool |
onóir | onoir | onnor honor |
anawr | onour enor |
enor | honour |
ord | òrd | oardyr ordyr |
urdd | urdh | urzh | order sequence |
peaca | peaca | peccah | pech | pegh | pec'h | sin guilt |
póg | pòg | paag | pocyn | poccuil† | pok | kiss |
rann roinn |
rann roinn |
rheynn | rhan | radn | rann | division part |
rath | rath | raah rah |
rhad | ras | rat | grace virtue |
rún | rùn | roon | rhin cyfrin |
rin kevrin |
rin | secret mystery |
roth | roth | roar | rhod | ros | rod | wheel bicycle |
rúsc | rùsg | roost | rhisgl | rusken | rusk | bark beehive |
saighead | saighead | side | saeth | seth | saezh | arrow |
samhail | samhail samhla |
soyl | hafal | haval | hañvalat | likeness model similarity |
scafa | sgiof sgoth sgib |
skiff | (y)sgraff | skath | skof | boat skiff |
scioból | sgiobal | skibbalt | ysgubor | skiber | skiber | barn |
séan | seun | sheean | swyn | sona | saouzan | sign charm spell stupor |
seo | seo | shoh | — | — | — | this |
seol | seòl | shiaull | hwyl | gool | gouel | sail |
sí síth |
sìth sìoth |
shee | hedd | hedh | hez | peace mound fairy |
sin | sin | shen | hwn hon hyn |
henn | henn† | that this |
siabhainn† | siabhann | sheeabin | sebon | sebon | soavon | soap |
slat | slat | slat | llath | lath | lazh | stick rod staff |
solas | solas | sollys | golau | golow | gouloù | light flame |
son | sòn† | sonn | sŵn sôn |
son | son | sound noise |
suan | suain | saveen | hun | hun | hun | sleep slumber |
spiorad | spiorad | spyrryd | ysbryd | sperys spyrys |
spered | soul life spirit |
tábla | tàbla | taabyl | tabl | tabel | taol | table board |
táille | tàille | tailley | tâl talaith |
tal | tailh | fare fee tally |
teanga | teanga | çhengey | tafod | taves tavas |
teod | language tongue tribe people |
teas | teas | çhiass | tes | tes | tes | heat warmth |
tine | teine | çhenney | tân | tan | tan | fire lightning |
toll | toll | towl | twll | toll | toull | hollow empty hole |
tonn | tonn | tonn | ton | ton | tonn | wave billow |
tréan treise |
trèine treise treun |
trean | trych | trygh | trec'h | strong(er) might brave conquest superior |
trócaire | tròcair | trocair | trugar trugaredd |
tregeredh | trugar* trugarez |
merciful pity thanks |
uamhan | uabhann | owan | ofn | own | ovn | fear dread |
uamhanach | uabhannach | owanagh | ofnog | ownek | aonik | fearful dreadful timid |
uath fuath |
uabhas fuath |
feoh | uthr | euth | euz | horror dread fright |
These words are cognate in some of the Celtic languages.
Gaeilge (Irish) |
Gàidhlig (Gaelic) |
Gaelg (Manx) |
Cymraeg (Welsh) |
Kernewek (Cornish) |
Brezhoneg (Breton) |
English |
ábhar | adhbar | oyr | —> | — | — | material matter reason |
áitreabh | aitreabh | — | adref | dhe-dre | — | habitation building homewards |
allta | allaidh | oaldey | — | — | — | wild savage predatory |
anseo | an-seo | ayns shoh | yma | omma | amañ | here |
ansin | an-sin | ayns shen | yna | ena | aze | there |
ansiúd | an-siud | ayns shid | yno | yn tre | ahont | yonder |
araile | — | — | arall | aral | arall | (an)other |
— | — | — | annwyd | anwos | anoued | cold chill |
arbeir† | — | — | arfer | — | — | use usage practice |
— | — | — | awen | awen | awen | muse inspiration imagination |
bád | bàta | baatey | bad | — | bag | boat |
bainis | banais | bannish | — | — | — | wedding |
basc† | basc† | — | baich | begh | bec'h | load burden |
bás | bàs | basse | — | — | — | death |
béas | beus | beaoil | moes | — | boaz | habit virtue moral(ity) |
— | — | — | bedd | bedh | bez | grave ditch |
— | — | — | bel | bell | — | war tummult |
béarla Béarla |
Beurla | Baarle | — | — | — | speech English |
braon | braon | brey (?) | — | — | — | drop drizzle |
bréag | breug | breag | — | — | — | lie falsehood |
briathar | briathar | breear | brwydr | — | — | word verb battle |
Brigit | — | — | brain(t) | bryntin brentin |
brient | privilege(d) honour |
briocht | — | — | lled(f)rith | — | brith† | charm spell enchantment |
bruth | bruth | — | brwd | bredion† | broud | heat hot(ness) ardent |
buinne | — | — | ben | — | — | cart wagon wattle |
bunadh | bunadh | bunneydagh | bonedd | — | — | origin nobility lineage |
— | — | — | byson | bysow | bizou | ring jewel |
cáin | càin | — | — | — | — | fine tax duty |
caint | cainnt | caaynt | — | — | — | speech to speak talk |
ca | caoin | keayn | can† | — | lament weep complaint anguish |
cealg | cealg | kialg | celc celg |
— | — | treachery guile deceit |
cíos | cìs | keesh | — | — | — | rent tax fine |
cleacht | cleachd | claightey | — | — | — | custom use habit |
clár | clàr | claare | clawr | — | kleur | board table cover |
cloth | clòth† | — | clod | clos† | klod | fame praise renown |
cogadh | cogadh | caggey | — | — | — | war fighting |
cogar | cogar | — | cyngor | — | — | whisper advice counsel |
coir | coire | — | caredd | cara† | karez | mistake sin |
colg | colg | caulg | col coly cola |
kolgh | — | husk prickle bristle |
colum† | — | — | cwlwm | kolm kolmen |
skoulmoù skoulm |
knot |
comhdháil | còmhdhàil | coardail | cynhadledd | — | — | meeting accord conference |
cosúil | cosail | cosoylagh | cyhafal | kehaval | — | resembling similar alike |
— | — | — | cragen crogen |
krogen | krogenn | shell(s) |
cruinniú | cruinneachadh | cruinnaght | crynhofa | — | — | gathering assembly |
cruth | cruth | croo | pryd | — | — | shape form |
cuire | — | — | cordd | kordh | — | tribe clan troop |
cuas | cuas | — | cau | kew | kev | cavity hollow crypt |
— | — | — | cudd | kudh | kuzh | secret hidden |
— | — | — | cusan | kussyn | — | kiss |
— | — | — | cwsg | kosk | kousked | sleep slumber |
— | — | — | cynnull | kuntel | kuntuilh | collection gathering picking |
daigh | daigh | — | goddeith | — | — | flame fire pain |
dáil | dàil | — | dadl | dadhel | dael | meeting assembly argument |
dais | dais | — | das | das | — | heap stack pile |
damhna | damhna | — | defnydd | devnydh | danvez | matter material substance |
dealg | dealg | jialg | dala | delc† | — | needle pin sting |
deatach | deatach | jaagh | — | — | — | smoke vapour |
dán | dàn | daan | dawn | — | donezon | poem gift faculty |
díon | dìon | jeen | — | — | — | protection waterproof roof |
dlí | dlighe | — | dyled | — | dle(ad) | law debt obligation |
dú | dùth | dooie | — | — | — | place natural |
domhan | domhan | dowan | dwfn dyfn |
— | — | world earth universe |
dóthain | daothain | saie | — | — | — | enough sufficiency |
duais | duais | — | — | — | — | gift prize reward |
éacht | euchd | — | aeth | — | — | slaugher exploit pain |
eachtra | eachtradh | — | eithr | — | — | episode adventure outside |
éad | eud | ead | eiddig (?) | — | — | jealousy envy zeal |
eagla | eagal | aggle | — | — | — | fear horror |
éasca | èasga | eayst | — | — | — | moon |
eire | eire | errey | arau | — | — | load burden |
éag | eug | — | angau | ankow | ankow | dead death deceased |
fad | fad | foddid | — | — | — | length distance duration |
fadhb | fadhb | uddan | oddf | — | — | knot lump problem |
fáilte | fàilte | failt | — | — | — | welcome |
fáinne | fàinne | fainey | — | — | — | ring circle coil |
fé† | — | — | gwialen | gwelen | gwial gwalenn |
rod(s) cane pole |
feadhain | feadhain | fwirran | gwedd | — | — | band team yoke harness |
féan | feun | fainagh | — | — | — | wagon cart chariot |
— | — | — | ffenestr | fenester | prenestr fenestr |
window |
fiabhras | fiabhras | — | — | — | — | fever |
ficheall | fiodhcheall | feeal | gwyddbwyll | gwydhbol | gwezboell | chess |
fios | fios | fys | gwŷs | — | — | knowledge information |
focal | facal | fockle | gwaethl | — | — | word debate |
fochraig | — | — | gwobr | gober | gopr | prize reward fee |
fos | fois | — | gwas | — | — | rest relaxation abode |
fraigh | fraigh | — | achwre | — | — | wall palisade fence |
fuath | fuath | feoh | — | — | — | fearful horror terror |
gealach | gealach | giallagh | — | — | — | moon |
glór | glòr | glare | — | — | — | voice speech |
gor | gor | — | gôr | — | gor | pus light to warm |
gnáth | gnàth | — | gnawd | gnas | gnot† | custom habit quality |
grean grian |
grean | grineen | graean | — | — | grit gravel |
grineall | grinneal | grineen | — | — | — | sea bed gravel grit |
griothal | grothal | — | gro | grow | grouan | gravel shingle |
guth | guth | goo | — | — | — | voice word reputation |
— | — | — | hanner | hanter | hanter | half |
— | — | — | hiraeth | hireth | hiraezh | longing homesick(ness) melancholy |
— | — | — | hud | hud | hud | magic |
icht† | — | — | iaith | yeth | yezh | language people |
ionadh | iongnadh | — | angnawd annawd |
— | — | unknown obscure unusual surprise |
iontas | iongantas | yindys | — | — | — | wonder surprise admiration |
— | lagh | leigh | — | — | — | law respect |
láib | làb | — | — | loub | — | mud mire slime |
láidir | làidir | lajer | — | — | — | strong powerful |
lasair | lasair | lossyr | llachar | — | — | bright shining flame |
leas | leus | lossey | — | — | — | light ray blister |
léibheann | — | — | llwyfan | — | — | stage terrace |
líon | lìon | — | llin | lin | lin | flax lint |
léann | léigheann | — | llên | lien | lenn | to read reading literature learning |
leastar | leastar | — | llestr | lester | lestr | vessel ship cup vase |
léigh | leugh | lhaih | lleaf lleu |
— | — | to read literature |
liathróid | liathroid† | — | — | — | — | ball sphere |
líth | lì | — | — | — | lid | festival prosperity ceremony |
— | — | — | llef | lev | leñv† | shout cry voice |
lomhain | lomhainn | louyn | llyfan | lovan | louan | rope lead string strap |
luí† | — | — | llyw | lew | levier | rudder pilot |
— | — | — | lloer | loor | loar | moon |
má | ma | my | — | mar | mar | if |
macasamhail | mac-samhail | macsoyley | — | — | — | like(ness) similar instance |
maide | maide | maidjey | — | — | — | stick wood pole |
— | mòd | mod | — | — | — | assembly gathering meeting |
mol | mol feairisid |
mul | — | — | — | hub axle nave |
múch | — | — | mwg | mog | mog | smoke fume(s) fire |
nath | nath | — | nâd | — | — | song poem knowledge |
nimh | nimh | nieu | — | — | — | poison venom |
nod | nòd | — | nod | nos | not | note mark symbol |
ocras | acras | acc(y)rys | — | — | — | hunger desire |
óir | oir | oyr | — | — | — | for because reason |
oráid | òraid | oraid | arawt | areth | — | speech lecture oration prayer |
ortha | ortha | — | — | — | — | incantation spell charm |
paidir | paidir | padjer | — | — | — | prayer devotion paternoster |
peall | peall | — | pall | pall | — | pelt skin blanket cloak |
piosa | pìos | peesh | — | pis | — | piece bit |
piseog | pisreag | pishag | — | pystri | — | charm spell magic sorcery |
pís† | — | — | pwys | poos | pouez | weight heavy important |
— | — | — | priod | pries | pried | married spouse peculiar special proper |
reacht | reachd | — | rhaith | reyth | reizh | law decree regular right |
rian | rian | rane | — | — | — | course path method river |
rópa | ròp(a) | — | rhaff | — | — | rope cord string |
sáith | sàth | saie | — | — | — | sufficency fill satiety |
Samhain | Samhain | Sauin Souney |
— | — | — | Halloween November |
sanas | sanas | sannish | hanes | hanas | — | whisper history secret |
saol | saoghal | seihll | — | — | — | world existence lifetime |
séad seoid |
seud | — | chwant | hwans | c'hoant | desire jewel |
sealbh | sealbh | shelloo | (h)elw | — | — | luck fortune profit |
— | — | — | (y)sglodion | asklosen | askleud | chip(s) splinter(s) |
scealp | sgealb sgolb spealg |
speilt spollag |
(y)sgolp | — | skolp | splinter chip sliver |
sith-† | — | — | hyd | hes | hed | length long extent |
slaod | slaod | sleayd | — | — | — | layer raft trudge |
slaodach | slaodach | sleaydagh | — | — | — | flowing slow trailing |
slige | slige | shlig | — | — | — | shell hull scale |
smúit | smùid | smooid | — | — | — | smoke fume steam |
snaidhm | snaidhm | sniem | nadd | — | nascañ | knot carving hinder |
snas | snas | — | — | — | — | finish polish elegance |
snáth | snàth | snaie | — | — | neud | thread fibre |
sonn | sonn | — | ffon | — | — | stake post stick |
— | stuth | stoo | stwff | stoff | — | material stuff substance |
suaineamh | sìoman | saineen | — | — | — | rope cord thong |
súgán | sùgan | suggane | — | — | — | (straw) rope |
— | — | — | swyddfa | sodhva | — | office |
tart | tart | taart | tarth | — | — | thirst dryness mist |
te | teth | çheh | — | — | — | heat |
téad | teud | tead | tant | — | tant | rope cord string |
tearmann | tèarmann | — | terfyn | — | — | santuary refuge boundary |
toit | toit | toghan | — | — | — | smoke vapour steam |
tonn | tonn | — | ton | ton† | tonn | surface land skin |
— | — | — | tro | tro | tro | rotation cycle surround |
troid | trod | troddan | — | — | — | fight quarrel |
tús | tùs | — | tywys | — | — | beginning front lead(er) |
— | — | — | twyll | toll | touell | treachery guile deceit |
ualach | uallach | — | — | — | — | burden load |
uath | uath | — | uthr | euth | euzh | fearful horror dread |
urnaí | ùrnaigh | yeearree | — | — | — | prayer |
Complete Cognates, Partial Cognates . Cognates arranged thematically: Adjectives | Animals | Birds | Clothes | Colours | Conjunctions | Countries | Directions | Food and Drink | Landscape | Buildings | Languages | Metals | Musical terms | Numbers | Parts of the body | People | Pronouns | Prepositions | Sea creatures | Time expressions | Trees and Plants | Verbs | Weather | Tools | Other words | Names
The Celtiadur blog is a collection of Celtic cognates, with definitions, pronunciation, etymologies - includes the modern Celtic languages, older versions of these languages, such as Middle Welsh, Middle Breton and Old Irish, and their extinct and reconstructed relatives and ancestors, including Gaulish, Proto-Brythonic and Proto-Celtic.
On the Celtic Pathways podcast I discuss connections between the Celtic languages, and look for words with Celtic roots in non-Celtic languages, such as English, French, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese.
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Breton, Celtiberian, Cornish, Cumbric, Gaulish, Irish, Lepontic, Lusitanian, Manx, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh
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