Konkomba (Likpakpaln)

Konkomba is a member of the Gur branch of the Niger-Congo language family. It is spoken by about 915,700 people mainly in northern Ghana, and also in northern Togo. In Ghana there are about 831,000 Konkomba speakers in the Yendi municipal district of the Northern Region. There are also about 84,700 speakers of Konkomba in Dankpen prefecture in the Kara region, and in south Oti prefecture in the Savanes region of Togo.

Konkomba is also known as Bikpakpam or Kpankpamba. Dialects include Lichaboil, Ligbeln, Likoonli, Limonkpeln and Linafeel.

Konkomba is written with the Latin alphabet, and there is some literature in the language, including a dictionary, school books, collections of stories and folk takes, and a translation of the Bible.

Konkomba alphabet and pronunciation

Konkomba alphabet and pronunciation


Download an alphabet chart for Konkomba (Excel)

Sample text (The Lord's Prayer - Luke 11: 2-4)

  1. Le Yesu bui bi, “Ni yaa mee Uwumbɔr kan, ni bui ke, ‘Tite Uwumbɔr [u bi paacham na,] cha binib li san saayimbil; cha saanaan dan. [Bi li ŋani saageehn dulnyaa wee ni, ke baah ŋani paacham pu na.]
  2. Tiin timi din aawiin aajikaar.
  3. Cha timi aatunwanbir pinn timi; ba pu? ti mu di cha pinn binib bimɔk koo timi aataani ni na. Taa cha ti kan ntɔŋ. [Nyan timi tibɔbir ni.]’”

Source: Bible.com

Translation (English)

  1. And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
  2. Give us day by day our daily bread.
  3. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

Source: King James Bible Online

Sample video in Konkomba

Information about Konkomba | Tower of Babel


Information about Konkomba

Gur languages

Berba, Birifor (Northern), Birifor (Southern), Dagaare, Dagbani, Frafra, Gourmanchéma, Hanga, Kabiye, Kasem, Konkomba, Kulango, Kusaal, Láá Láá Bwamu, Mampruli, Mbelime, Moba, Mossi, Nateni, Ngangam, Ntcham, Paasaal, Safaliba, Sisaali, Tammari, Tem, Tumulung Sisaala, Turka, Waama, Western Sisaala

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page created: 21.09.22. Last modified: 10.06.24


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