A collection of useful phrases in Tsotsil, a Mayan language spoken in the Mexican state of Chiapas..
See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.
Key to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal
English | Bats'i k'op (Tsotsil/Tzotzil) |
Welcome | Lek oy li la tale Lek oy li la talike |
Hello (General greeting) | K'uxi Alo Alotalel Jech Lek |
Hello (on phone) | K'usi |
How are you? | K'uxa-elan jo'ote? K'uxa-elan? |
Reply to 'How are you?' | Lek oyun kolaval, jo'oto Lek oyun, jo'oto |
Long time no see | K'uxa ora kilojbatik Vo'one xa kilojbatik |
What's your name? | K'usi abi? (inf) Jo'ote k'usi abi? (frm) |
My name is ... | Ja' jbi ... |
Where are you from? | Bu likemot talel? Bu likemot tal? |
Pleased to meet you | |
Good morning (Morning greeting) |
Mi li'ote |
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) |
Mi li'ote |
Good evening (Evening greeting) |
Mi li'ote |
Goodbye (Parting phrases) |
Batan Te xkiljbatik Ja' to ok'ob |
Good luck! | Lekuk me avo'ra |
Have a nice day | Ech'ukme lek abun li k'ak'ale |
Bon appetit / Have a nice meal |
Yalchox Lek ve'el |
Bon voyage / Have a good journey |
Ech'ume lek avu'un ti paxiale |
I don't understand | Mu xka'i |
Please speak more slowly | Avokoluk k'opojan k'un |
Please write it down | Xu' xa ts'iba avokoluk |
Do you speak Tsotsil? | Xa na' xa k'opoj ta kaxlan k'op? |
Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') |
Jech, jutuk Jech, na' xi k'opoj jutuk ta kaxlank'ope |
How do you say ... in Tsotsil? | K'usba ta alel ta kaxlank'op ...? |
Excuse me | Perton |
How much is this? | K'uxi stojol K'uxi stojol li'e |
Sorry | Perton |
Thank you | Kolaval Kolaval tajmek |
Reply to thank you | Mu'yuk k'usi |
Where's the toilet / bathroom? | Bu oy li tsa'anebale? Bu oy li atinajebale? Bu oy li snail li atinajebale? |
This gentleman/lady will pay for everything | Li vinike ta stoj skotol |
Would you like to dance with me? | Chak to'ox ak'otajuk xchu'uk jo'on? (frm) Chak to'ox ak'otajan xchu'uk jo'on? (inf) Chak ak'otajan xchu'uk jo'on? (frm) Chak ak'otajan xchu'un jo'on? (inf) |
I love you | Jk'anojot |
Get well soon | Xa meltsal Xa poxtaj ta oratikno'ox |
Leave me alone! | Iktaun mu xa xa tijun! |
Help! | Koltaun! |
Fire! | K'ok'! |
Stop! | Te' no'ox! |
Call the police! | Aptao li jabteletike! |
Christmas greetings | Xmuyubajuk ti avo'one ti ta k'ine xchu'uk ti ta ach' jabile |
Easter greetings | Lek me ech'an ti ta k'uxul orae |
Birthday greetings | Lekuk me ech'an ti avi chlok' ti a jabilale |
One language is never enough | Jun k'op mauk ja' no'ox |
My hovercraft is full of eels | Li j-xulem tak'ine noj ta conoetik |
Tsotsil translations provided by Fabien Guillard of La Casa en el Árbol Spanish language school, which also offers courses in Tsotsil and Tseltal
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Tzotzil | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Books about Mayan languages | Books about Mayan on: Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk [affilate links]
Phrases in Tsotsil
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