Rapa (Reo Rapa)

Rapa is an Eastern Polynesian language spoken on Rapa Iti, one of the Austral Islands in French Polynesia, and on Mangaia in the Cook Islands. There are about 300 speakers of Rapa on Rapa Iti and another 515 speakers on Mangaia. There are also Rapa speakers on other islands, espcially on Tahiti.

There are three types of Rapa: Old Rapa, Reo Rapa and New Rapa. Old Rapa is only spoken by some people over 60. Reo Rapa is a mixture of Old Rapa and Tahitian, and New Rapa is a revitalized version of Old Rapa, and is spoken by people under 50.

Old Rapa was first documented in 1864 by James L. Green, a missionary from the London Missionary Society. Since then a few other people have studied and documented the language. It is written with the Latin alphabet.

Rapa alphabet

Rapa alphabet and pronunciation

Download an alphabet chart for Rapa (Excel)

Some sentences in Rapa

Video in Rapa

Information about Rapa | Numbers


Informationa about Rapa
The Language of Rapa Iti: Description of a Language in Change

Polynesian languages

Anutan, Austral, Emae, Futuna-Aniwa, Futunan, Hawaiian, Kapingamarangi, Mangareva, Māori, Marquesan (North), Marquesan (South), Mele-Fila, Moriori, Niuafoʻou, Niuatoputapu-Tafahi, Niuean, Nukumanu, Nukuoro, Nukuria, Ontong Java, Penrhyn, Pukapukan, Rakahanga-Manihiki, Rapa, Rapa Nui, Rarotongan, Rennellese, Samoan, Sikaiana, Tahitian, Takuu, Tikopia, Tokelauan, Tongan, Tuamotuan, Tuvaluan, Vaeakau-Taumako, Wallisian, West Uvean

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page created: 27.09.22. Last modified: 27.09.22


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