These phrases come mainly from phrasebooks and language courses. Some of them are intended to illustrate particular grammatical points, others I just found amusing. Finding occasions to use them might be quite challenging, but you'll probably have fun trying. Maybe you could use them as ice breakers, chat-up lines, as part of a comedy routine, or for some surreal conversations.
Belarusian | Breton | Cebuano | Cherokee | Chinese | Cornish | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Esperanto | Finnish | French | German | Greek | Haida | Hawaiian | Hebrew | Hindi | Hungarian | Icelandic | Indonesian | Irish (Gaelic) | Italian | Japanese | Jèrriais | Kannada | Lakhota | Latin | Laz | Lojban | Manx | Old Norse | Polish | Portuguese | Quenya | Romanian | Russian | Samoan | Scottish Gaelic | Serbian | Shanghainese | Sindarin | Slovenian | Spanish | Swahili | Swedish | Tahitian | Tamil | Tibetan | Turkish | Urdu | Uzbek | Welsh
Mitt huvud trillar av och det är fullt av godis.
My head falls off and it is full of candy.
Vart tog vägen vägen? Vi åker på en åker!
Where did the road go? We are traveling on a field!
De jättelika kräftorna försöker ta över Jorden!
The giant crayfishes are attempting to conquer The Earth!
Idag har jag cyklat ned i skorstenarna.
I've cycled down the chimneys today.
Person who teaches engineers who work at communal schools to put the top piece on flagpoles
Min igelkott är inte dum eller söt.
My hedgehog is not stupid or cute.
Alla heter Glenn i Göteborg.
All the people of Gothenburg are called Glenn.
Varför har du femtiotvå blåa händer?
Why do you have 52 blue hands?
Har du våra tråkiga böcker i ditt / ert stora hus?
Do you have our boring books in your big house?
Jag är en talande älg
I am a talking moose
Hon vill bada i ett hav av sås
She wants to swim in a sea of sauce
Jag vill ha en egen måne
I want my own moon
Älgen sover i natt
The moose sleeps tonight
Hon ser ut som en älg
She looks like a moose
Jag har en gul osthyvel
I have a yellow cheese slicer
Hunden åt upp min läxor
The dog ate my homework
Ankorna äter inte tallrikarna
The ducks do not eat the plates
Älgarna sover inte på morgonen
Elk do not sleep in the morning
Sköldpadden har en gul hatt
The turtle has a yellow hat
Han går som älg
He walks like a moose
Den gamla ankan badade i pengar
The old duck was swimming in money
Sagan handlar om två igelkottar och en tvål
The story is about two hedgehogs and a bar of soap
Jag hör inte dig eftersom jag har kanellbular i ören
I don't hear you because I have cinnamon rolls in my ears.
Titta, en flygande ko
Look, a flying cow
Pojken tittade ned från sin flygande matta
The boy looked down from his flying carpet.
Det kom en uggla och sa att jag var en trollkarl
An owl came and said that I am a wizard.
Jag har en talande älg
I have a talking moose
En del finska troll sjunger på svenska
Some Finnish trolls sing in Swedish
Häxorna åkte på semester till Franrike
The witches went on holiday to France
En ekorroren kan åka vattenskidor
A squirrel can water-ski
Tigern tycker att du er ut som en god människa
The tiger thinks that you look like a good person
Jag är en vanlig kanin
I am an ordinary rabbit
Var är allt smör?
Where's all the butter?
Tjejer vill bara ha kul
Girls just want to have fun
People who have contributed to this section
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Swedish | Useful phrases | Silly phrases | Numbers | Colours | Family words | Time | Weather words | Idioms | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Books about Swedish on: and [affilate links]
My hovercraft is full of eels | Stop the world, I want to get off! | Say cheese! | Colorless green ideas sleep furiously | I am the king of the chickens | So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish | Thingamajig
Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish German, Romanian, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh
Index by phrase | Index by language | Index by language family | Phrase finder
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