These phrases come mainly from phrasebooks and language courses. Some of them are intended to illustrate particular grammatical points, others I just found amusing. Finding occasions to use them might be quite challenging, but you'll probably have fun trying. Maybe you could use them as ice breakers, chat-up lines, as part of a comedy routine, or for some surreal conversations.
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Помогите! Мне нужен холодильник!
(Pomogite! Mne nuzhen holodil'nik!)
Help! I need a refrigerator!
Борода вам очень идёт.
(Boroda vam ochen' idyot)
That beard suits you very well.
В нашем лесу много медведей.
(V nashem lesu mnogo medvedey)
There are many bears in our forest.
Мама, я хочу змею.
(Mama, ya khochu zmeyu.)
Mum, I want a snake.
Я вижу длинную кошку.
(Ya vizhu dlinnuyu koshku)
I see a long cat
Большинство политиков много говорят и мало делают
(Bol’shinstvo politikov mnogo govoryat i malo delayut)
Most politicians talk a lot and do little
Кто будет защищать наш город от драконов?
(Kto bydet zashchishchat’ nash gorod ot drakonov)
Who will defend our city from dragons?
Моя лошадь не художник, а архитектор
(Moya loshad’ ne khudozhnik, a arkhitektor)
My horse is not an artist but an architect.
У нас много ложек
(U nas mnogo lozhek)
We have many spoons
У японцев не хватает коробок
(U yapontsev ne khvataet korobok)
The Japanese do not have enough boxes
Дракон съел воина
(Drakon c”el voina)
The dragon ate the warrior
Этот человек говорит, что он волшебник, но я ему не верю
(Etot chelovek govorit, chto on volshebhik, no ya emu ne veryu)
This person says he's a wizard, but I don't believe him
Волшебник никогда не опаздывает
(Volshebnik nikogda ne opazdyvaet)
A wizard is never late
У меня есть говорящая лошадь
(U menya yest’ govoryashchaya loshad’)
I have a talking horse.
Когда-нибудь ты всё поймешь
(Kogda-nibud’ ty vsyo poymesh’)
Some day you will understand everything
Corrections by Thomas Janowsky
People who have contributed to this section
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
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My hovercraft is full of eels | Stop the world, I want to get off! | Say cheese! | Colorless green ideas sleep furiously | I am the king of the chickens | So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish | Thingamajig
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