Useful Moroccan Arabic phrases

A collection of useful phrases in colloqiual Moroccan Arabic, a variety of Maghrebi Arabic spoken in Morocco.

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Key to abbreviations: >m = said to men, >f = said to women, pl = said to more than one person

English (Moroccan Arabic) الدارجة
Welcome (mrehba) مرحابة
Hello (General greeting) (ssalamū 'lekum) اسلا عليكم
Hello (on phone) (alu) الو
How are you? (kīf halek?) كيف حالك؟
(labas 'lik?) لاباس عليك؟
>f (kidayra?) لاباس عليك؟
>m (kidayr?) لاباس عليك؟
Reply to 'How are you?' لاباءس بارك الله فيك
(labas, barak llāhū fīk)
انا بخير شكرا ونتة؟
(ana bekhīr shukran, wenta?)
Long time no see
What's your name? (shno smītek?) شنو اسميتك؟
(asmītek?) اسميتك؟
My name is ... (ana smītī ...) انا سميتى ...
(smītī ...) سميتى ...
Where are you from? >m (mnīn nta?) منين انت؟
>f (mnīn ntī?) منين انت؟
(mnīn ntūma? pl) منين انتم؟
I'm from ... (ana men ...) انا من ...
Pleased to meet you (metšerrfīn) متشرفين
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
(ṣbah lkḥīr) صباح الخير
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
(mselkḥīr) مساء الخير
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
(mselkḥīr) مساء الخير
Good night (lla yemsek 'la khir) الله يمسك علي خير
(Parting phrases)
(lla yemsek 'la khir) الله يمسك علي خير
Good luck! (h'ad saâid) حظ سعيد
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
(besseha) بالصحة
(besseha w raha) بالصحة و الراحة
Have a nice day
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
(besseha) بالصحة
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Have a peaceful trip (ṭṭreq ssalama) طريق السلامة
I understand (fhemt) فهمت
I don't understand (mafhemtš) ما فهمتش
Please speak more slowly (tkellem beshwīya afak!) تكلم بشوية عفاك؟
(wash momken tehder beshwīya?) واش ممكن تحدر بشوية؟
Please say that again ('awwedha 'afak) عودها عفاك
Please write it down (ktebha līya) كتبها لي
Do you speak English? (wash kat'ref neglīzīya?) واش كتعرف نجليزية؟
Do you speak Arabic? (wash kat'ref l'arbīya) واش كتعرف العربية؟
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
(īyeh, ghīr shwīya) ايه، غير شوية
How do you say ... in Arabic? (kīfash kaygūlū ... bel'arabīya?) كيفاش كتكولو ... ب العربية؟
Excuse me (smeh līya) اسمح لي!
How much is this? (beshhal?) بشحال
(beshhal hadīk?) بشحال هدك؟
Sorry (aasif) اسف
Please ('afak) عفاك
Thank you (shukran) ﺷﻜﺮﺍ
(shukran bezzef) شكرا بزاف
Reply to thank you (bla zhmīl) بلا جميل
(la shukran ʿla wazhb) لا شكرا علي واجب
(barak llāhū fīk) بارك الله في
Where's the toilet / bathroom? (fīn kein lbīt lma?) فين كان البيت الماء؟
This gentleman will pay for everything
This lady will pay for everything
Would you like to dance with me?
I miss you (Twahechtek) توحشتك
I love you (kanəbġīk) كنبغيك
Get well soon (allah ychafik) الله يشافيك
Leave me alone! (ʿteinī ttīsaʿ) عطيني التيساع!
Help! (ʿṭeqnī!) عتقني!
Fire! (lʿafīya!) العافية!
Stop! (wqef!) وقف!
Call the police! (ʿayyeṭ ʿla lbūlīs) عيط علي البوليس!
Christmas greetings (sana sa'īd) سن سعيد
New Year greetings (sana sa'īd) سن سعيد
Easter greetings (fiṣḥ sa'īd) فصح سعيد
Christ has risen (el maseeh qam) المسيح قام
rsp - Truly he has risen (haqan qam) حقاً قام
Birthday greetings ('id milad said) عيد ميلاد سعيد
One language is never enough
My hovercraft is full of eels

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Hear some Moroccan Arabic phrases

Information about Moroccan Arabic | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Moroccan Arabic courses on: Amazon and [affilate links]

- Learn Arabic online with ArabicPod101

- - learn colloquial Arabic of Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, the Levant, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, or Tunisia
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Learn Arabic Online with Rocket Languages

- eArabic Learning - Learn Arabic Online with Live Teachers

- Learn Arabic with Glossika
- Learn Arabic now at Rocket Languages!
- Arabic Genie - a quick and easy way to learn the Arabic alphabet

Find Arabic Tutors with LanguaTalk

Arabic courses and other resources available on Amazon

Arabic Translation


Other collections of Moroccan Arabic phrases

Phrases in Semitic languages

Amharic, Arabic (Egyptian), Arabic (Lebanese), Arabic (Modern Standard), Arabic (Moroccan), Aramaic, Assyrian, Hausa, Hebrew, Maltese

Phrases in other languages


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