Useful phrases in Nahuatl

A collection of useful phrases in Nahuatl (nawatlahtolli), a Uto-Aztecan language spoken mainly in central Mexico.

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Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person).

English nāhuatl / nawatlahtolli (Nahuatl)
Welcome Ximopanōltih
Hello (General greeting) Niltze
How are you? ¿Quen tinemi? (How do you live?)
¿Quen tica? (inf)
Reply to 'How are you?' Cualli ninemi, tlazocāmati. ¿Īhuān tehuatl?
Long time no see Ahmo titonāmiqui ye huehcāuh
What's your name? ¿Quen motoca?
My name is ... Notōcā ...
Nehua notōcā ...
Ni ...
Where are you from? ¿Campa tihuala?
I'm from ... Nehuatl ...
Nehua ...
Ne nihuala ...
Pleased to meet you Nechpactia nimitzixmati
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Cualli tlanecic
Cualli tonalli (Good day)
¿Quen otlathuililo? (How was the dawn?)
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Cualli teotlac
Cualli tiotaqui
Cualli tonalli (Good day)
¿Quen ocemilhuitihuac? (How was the day?)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Cualli teotlac
Cualli tiotaqui
¿Quen oteotlahquililo? (How was the dusqu?)
Good night Cualli yohualli
Ma xicochi (May you sleep)
(Parting phrases)
Ye niauh (to person leaving)
Xiauh ica cualtzin (to person staying)
Timo-itazque (we will see one another later)
Totazque (we will see one another later)
Ixquicha moztla (until tomorrow)
Ixquicha nimitzihtaz (until I see you later)
Good luck! Ma cualli ohtli
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Ma ixpāntzinco
Have a nice day Ma cualli tōnalli
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Xitlacua cualli
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Xiauh ica cualtzin
I understand Nitlacaqui
I don't understand Ahmo nitlacaqui
I don't know Ahmo nicmati
Please speak more slowly Ma yōlīc xitlato
Please say that again Ma occepa xitlato
Please write it down Ma xitlacuilo
Do you speak English? ¿Tinleztlahtoa?
¿Titlahtoa Inlez?
¿Titlahtoa Inleztlatōlli?
Do you speak Nahuatl? ¿Tināhuatlahtoa?
¿Titlahtoa Nāhuatlahtōlli?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Quema, achitzin
How do you say ... in Nahuatl? ¿Quenin moihtoa ... ica Nāhuatl?
Excuse me Ma ixpāntzinco ("In front of an honorable place")
How much is this? ¿Quexqui inin?
¿Quen tlazohti? ("What's this worth?")
Sorry Ma xinechtlapohpolhui
Please Nimitztlatlauhtia
Thank you Tlazohcamati
Cenca tlazohcamati
Reply to thank you Ahmitla ((It's) nothing)
Where's the toilet / bathroom? ¿Campa ca in cuitlacalli?
¿Campa ca in axixcalli?
¿Campa ca in alticalli?
¿Campa ca in tlapiazoti?
¿Campa ca in tlapiazohualoyan?
This gentleman will pay for everything Oquichtli ixtlahuaz nochi
This lady will pay for everything Cihuatl ixtlahuaz nochi
Would you like to dance with me? ¿Ticnequi tihtōtiz īhuān nāhuatl?
I miss you Nimitlailnamiqui
I love you Nimitztlazohtla
Get well soon Niman xipahti
Go away! ¡Xiauh!
Leave me alone! ¡Xiauh!
Help! ¡Xinechpalēhuia! (sg)
¡Xitopalēhuicān! (pl)
Fire! ¡Tletl!
Stop! ¡Ximocahcāhua!
Be careful! ¡Ma timocuitlahui!
Be quiet! ¡Macamo xinahuati!
Call the police! ¡Xicnōtza tepixqui!
Christmas greetings Cualli netlācatilizpan īhuān yancuic xihuitl
Easter greetings Cualli paxcuatl
Birthday greetings Ilhuitl
One language is never enough Cēntlahtōlli aocmō moāhcic
My hovercraft is full of eels Noehēcatlapalqui cōāmichtēnqui

Nahuatl phrases provided by Pat Rivera, with recordings, corrections, additions by Itzchimalli Metziuhki

Download all the audio files (Zip format, 1.4MB)

Download an spreadsheet including these Nahuatl phrases - also includes the alphabet and numbers

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Nahuatl | Phrases | Numbers (modern Nahuatl) | Numbers (Classical Nahuatl) | Tower of Babel | Learning material


Other collections of Nahuatl phrases

Phrases in Uto-Aztecan languages

Comanche, Nahuatl, Oʼodham, Serrano

Phrases in other languages


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