Useful phrases in Twi

A collection of useful phrases in Twi, a variety of Akan, a member of the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo language family spoken in Ghana.

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Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person).

Phrase Twi
Welcome Akwaaba
Mema wo akwaaba (I welcome you)
Yɛma wo akwaaba (We welcome you)
Yaa agya (reply - to an elderly man)
Yaa ɛna (reply - to an elderly woman)
Yaa anua (reply - to a sibling age mate or colleague)
Hello (General greeting) Agoo
Hello (on phone)
How are you? Wo ho te sεn? (frm)
εte sεn? (inf)
Mpɔ mu te sεn? ("How is life")
Reply to 'How are you?' Me ho yε, me da ase (frm)
Me ho yε ("My body is fine")
Me ho yɛ, na wo nsoɛ?
Long time no see Yɛhyiaeɛ akyɛ
What's your name? Yɛferɛ wo sɛn?
My name is ... Yɛferɛ me ...
Me din de ...
Where are you from? Wo fire he?
I'm from ... Me firi ...
Pleased to meet you Ɛyɛ me anigyeɛ sɛ mehyiaa woɔ
Ɛyɛ me anigyeɛ sɛ yɛahyia
M’ani agye sɛ yɛahyia
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Me ma wo akye
Yaa agya (reply - to an elderly man)
Yaa ɛna (reply - to an elderly woman)
Yaa anua (reply - to a sibling age mate or colleague)
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Me ma wo aha
Yaa agya (reply - to an elderly man)
Yaa ɛna (reply - to an elderly woman)
Yaa anua (reply - to a sibling age mate or colleague)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Me ma wo adwo
Yaa agya (reply - to an elderly man)
Yaa ɛna (reply - to an elderly woman)
Yaa anua (reply - to a sibling age mate or colleague)
Good night Da yie
(Parting phrases)
Nante yiye
Yɛbɛhyia bio (We shall meet again)
Akyire yi yɛbɛhyia (We shall meet later)
Good luck! Mema wo tiri nkwa!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice day
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Ɛkwan so dwoodwoo!
Yes Aane
No Daabi
Maybe Ebia
I don't know Mennim
I understand Mete aseɛ
I don't understand Mente aseɛ
Please speak more slowly Mepa wo kyɛw, wobɛtumi aka no brɛoo?
Please say that again Mepa wo kyɛw, wobɛtumi aka no bio?
Please write it down Mepa wo kyɛw, twerɛ ma me
Do you speak English? Woka borɔfo kasa?
Woka potɔ kasa?
Do you speak Twi?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Mete Twi Kakra
Speak to me in Twi
How do you say ... in Twi? Sɛn na wɔka ... wɔ Twi kasa mu?
Excuse me Mepa wo kyɛ
How much is this? Eyɛ sɛn?
Sorry Kosɛ
Please Mepa wo kyɛw
Mepaa kyɛw
Thank you Meda wo ase
Meda wo ase pa ara
Meda wo ase pii
Reply to thank you
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Ɛhe na agyananbea no wɔ?
Agyananbea no wɔ he?
This gentleman will pay for everything Aberanteɛ yi bɛtua biribiara
Aberanteɛ yi bɛtua ne nyinaa
This lady will pay for everything Awuraba yi bɛtua biribiara
Awuraba yi bɛtua ne nyinaa
Would you like to dance with me? Wobɛpɛ sɛ wo ne me bɛsa?
Do you come here often? Wotaa ba ha?
I miss you Mafe wo
I love you Medɔ wo
Get well soon
Go away!
Leave me alone! Gyae me!
Help! Boa me!
Fire! Ogya!
Call the police! Frɛ polisi!
Christmas greetings Afenhyia pa
Easter greetings
Birthday greetings Mema wo awoda pa
One language is never enough
My hovercraft is full of eels
Are you done? Woawie?
I'm ill Meyare
Me ho mfa me
I'm hungry Ɛkɔm de me
I feel sleepy M'ani kum
Is everything alright? Biribiara bɔkɔɔ deɛ?
Show me the way Kyerɛ me kwan no
I will pay Mɛtua
Turn off the light Dum kanea no
Turn on the light Sɔ kanea no

Some phrases provided by Stephen Yaw Awiba of

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Twi | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel


Other collections of Twi phrases

Phrases in Kwa languages

Dangme, Twi

Phrases in other languages


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