A collection of useful phrases in Abkhaz, a North West Caucasian language spoken mainly in Abkhazia, an autonomous republic within Georgia.
See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.
Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, m = male (said to males), f = female (said to females), pl = plural (said to more than one person).
Phrase | аҧсуа бызшәа (Abkhaz) |
Welcome | Бзиала шәаабеит (Bziala šəaabeit) |
Hello (General greeting) | Бзиа збаша (Bzia zbaşa) Бзиара убааит (Bziara ubaait) - m Бзиара ббааит (Bziara bbaait) - f Бзиара жәбааит (Bziara žəbaait) - pl |
Hello (on phone) | |
How are you? | Ушҧаҟоу? (Ušṗaꝁou?) - m Бышҧаҟоу? (Byšṗaꝁou?) - f Шәышҧаҟақоу? (Šəyšṗaꝁaⱪou?) - pl Иҟеи?(Iꝁei) - What's new? |
Reply to 'How are you?' | Хар сымам (Xar symam) - I'm fine Бзиароуп (Bziaroup) - Everything's OK Сыҟоуп ус ашьшьыҳәа (Syꝁoup us aš’š’yx̢əa) - I'm OK |
Long time no see | |
What's your name? | Уара уа́рбан? (Uara yárban?) - m Бара ба́рбан? (Bara bárban?) - f Уара иухьӡи? (Uara iyx’źi?) - m Бара ибыхьӡи? (Bara ibyx’źi?) - f |
My name is ... | Сара ... сыхьӡуп (Sara ... syx’źup) |
Where are you from? | |
I'm from ... | |
Pleased to meet you | |
Good morning (Morning greeting) |
Уа, Шьыжьы бзиа (Ua, Š’yž’y bzia) |
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) |
Уа, мшы бзиа (Ua, mšy bzia) |
Good evening (Evening greeting) |
Уа, мшы бзиа (Ua, mšy bzia) |
Good night | Ашара шәзыбзиарахааит (Ašara šəzybziaraxaait) Аҵх алҧха уоуааит (Ac̄x alṗxa uouaait) |
Goodbye (Parting phrases) |
Абзиараз (Abziaraz) |
Good luck! | |
Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking) |
Have a nice day | |
Bon appetit / Have a nice meal |
Bon voyage / Have a good journey |
I understand | |
I don't understand | |
Yes | |
No | |
Maybe | |
I don't know | |
Please speak more slowly | |
Please say that again | |
Please write it down | |
Do you speak English? | Англыз бызшәа жәдыруама? (Anglyz byzšəa žədyryama?) |
Do you speak Abkhaz? | Аҧcшәа уҳәоума? (Aṗsšəa ux̢əuma?) |
Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') |
Speak to me in Abkhaz | |
How do you say ... in Abkhaz? | |
Excuse me | |
How much is this? | |
Sorry | |
Please | |
Thank you | Иҭабуп (It̢abup) |
Reply to thank you | |
Where's the toilet / bathroom? | |
This gentleman will pay for everything | |
This lady will pay for everything | |
Would you like to dance with me? | |
I miss you | |
I love you | |
Get well soon | |
Go away! | |
Leave me alone! | |
Help! | |
Fire! | |
Stop! | |
Call the police! | |
Christmas greetings | Ашыкс чыц удысных ялойт (Aşyks chyts udysnyh jaloyt) - Happy new year |
New Year greetings | Ашыкс чыц удысных ялойт (Aşyks chyts udysnyh jaloyt) |
Easter greetings | |
Birthday greetings | |
One language is never enough | |
My hovercraft is full of eels |
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Abkhaz | Phrases | Numbers
Other collections of Abkhaz phrases
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