Useful phrases in Balinese

A collection of useful phrases in Balinese (Basa Bali), a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken mainly in Bali in Indonesia.

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Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal

Phrase Balinese
Welcome Rahajeng rauh, ᬭᬳᬚᭂᬂᬭᬯᬸ᭪
Hello (General greeting) Hai (inf)
Halo (inf)
Swastiastu (frm)
Om swastiastu (peace and greetings from god) - frm
Hello (on phone)
How are you? Kenken kabare? (inf)
Punapi gatra? ᬧᬸᬦᬧᬶᬕᬢ᭄ᬭ (frm)
Punapi gatrane? (frm)
Reply to 'How are you?' Rage sing engken (inf)
Tiang becik kemanten (frm)
Long time no see Mekelo sing metepuk
What's your name? Sira wastané?
Sira parabé?
Sira pesengané?
Nyen adané?
My name is ... Adan tiang ... (inf)
Wastan titiyang ... (frm)
Pesengan titiyang ... (frm)
Tityang maparab ... (frm)
Where are you from? Kamu uli dije?
Cai uli dije? (>m)
Nyai uli dije? (>f)
I'm from ... Tiang uling ...
Pleased to meet you Demen metepuk jak ragane (inf)
Angayu bagia kacunduk sareng ragane (frm)
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Rahajeng semeng, ᬭᬳᬚᭂᬂᬲᭂᬫᭂᬂ
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Rahajeng sanja, ᬭᬳᬚᭂᬂᬲᬜ᭄ᬚ
Rahajeng wengi, ᬭᬳᬚᭂᬂᬯᭂᬗᬶ
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Rahajeng peteng, ᬭᬳᬚᭂᬂᬧᭂᬢᭂᬂ
Good night Rahajeng wengi, ᬭᬳᬚᭂᬂᬯᭂᬗᬶ
Selamat mesare (sleep well)
Dumogi mimpi indah (have a nice dream)
(Parting phrases)
Rahajeng memargi
Sampai jumpa (see you)
Good luck! Dumogi berhasil!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice day
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Rarisang ngajeng
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Rahajeng memargi
Yes Aa, ᬳᬳᭂ (inf)
Nggih, ᬗ᭄ᬕᬶ᭪ (frm)
Inggih, ᬳᬶᬗ᭄ᬕᬶ᭪ (frm)
No Sing, ᬲᬶᬂ (inf)
Ten (frm)
Maybe Minakadi
I don't know Tiang ten nawang
I understand Tiang ngresep
I don't understand Tiang ten ngresep
Please speak more slowly
Please say that again
Please write it down
Do you speak English? Bise base Inggris? (inf)
Bise ngomong base Inggris? (frm)
Do you speak Balinese? Bise base Bali?
Bise ngomong base Bali?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Nggih, bise bedik
Nggih, tapi ten terlalu bise
Speak to me in Balinese
How do you say ... in Balinese?
Excuse me Pangampura
How much is this? Aji kuda niki?
Sorry Ampura, ᬅᬫ᭄ᬧᬸᬭ (inf)
Ampurayang, ᬅᬫ᭄ᬧᬸᬭᬬᬂ (frm)
Please Tolong
Thank you Makasi (inf)
Suksma, ᬲᬹᬓᬱ᭄ᬫ (inf)
Matur suksma, ᬫᬵᬢᬸᬃᬲᬹᬓᬱ᭄ᬫ (frm)
Reply to thank you Mewali (inf)
Suksma mewali (frm)
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Ring dija WC?
This gentleman will pay for everything
This lady will pay for everything
Would you like to dance with me?
Do you come here often?
I miss you
I love you Titiyang tresna sareng ragane
Get well soon Dumogi enggal seger
Go away!
Leave me alone!
Help! Nulungin tiang!
Call the police!
Christmas greetings Met natal
Selamat hari natal
Selamat hari raya natal
New Year greetings Rahajeng warsa anyar, ᬭᬳᬚᭂᬂᬯᬃᬲᬳᬜᬃ
Easter greetings
Birthday greetings Swasti wanti warsa, ᬲ᭄ᬯᬲ᭄ᬢᬶᬯᬦ᭄ᬢᬯᬃᬲ
Rahajeng wanti warsa, ᬭᬳᬚᭂᬂᬯᬦ᭄ᬢᬯᬃᬲ
One language is never enough
My hovercraft is full of eels

Some phrases provided by Moshe Ash

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Hear some phrases in Balinese:

Information about Balinese | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Books


Other collections of Balinese phrases

Phrases in Malayo-Polynesian languages

Balinese, Banjar, Central Dusun, Chamorro (Guam dialect), Chamorro (North Marianas dialect), Coastal Kadazan, Fijian, Iban, Indonesian, Javanese, Malagasy, Malay, Māori, Palauan, Tetum, Yapese

Phrases in other languages


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