Useful phrases in Mazandarani

A collection of useful phrases in Mazandarani (مازرونی), a northwestern Iranian language spoken in the northwest of Iran. Most of the phrases are in the Babol dialect of Mazandarani.

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Phrase (Mazandarani) مازرونی
Welcome (Xeś bemuni) خش به‌مونی
Hello (General greeting) (seloom) سلوم
Hello (on phone) (alo) الو
How are you? (cheti hassi?) چتی هسی؟
(khāri?) خاری؟
(khāri?) خشی؟
(selāmeti?) سلامتی؟
Reply to 'How are you?' (khārame) خارمه
(me hāl khāre) مه حال خاره
Long time no see (khele vaghte tere nadime) خله وقته تره ندیمه
What's your name? (te nom chechie?) ته نوم چچیه؟
(te esm chechie?) ته اسم چچیه؟
My name is ... (me esm ... hasse) مه اسم ... هسه
(me esm ... hasse) مه نوم ... هسه
Where are you from? (keje jā bemoi?) کجه جا بمویی؟
(keje je bemoi?) کجه جه بمویی؟
I'm from ... (men ... hasseme) من ... هسمه
(men ... jā bemoome) من ... جا بمومه
Pleased to meet you خشال بیمه تره بدیمه
inf- (kheshāl bayme tere badime)
خشال بیمه شما ره بدیمه
frm - (kheshāl bayme shemāre badime)
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
inf- (te sob bakheyr boshe) ته صوب بخیر بوشه
inf- (te sevāyi bakheyr boshe) ته صوایی بخیر بوشه
frm - (sheme sob bakheyr boshe) شمه صوب بخیر بوشه
frm - (sheme sevāyi bakheyr boshe) شمه صوایی بخیر بوشه
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
inf- (te asr bakheyr boshe) ته عصر بخیر بوشه
frm - (sheme asr bekheyr boshe) شِما عصر بخیر بوشه
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
inf- (te asr bakheyr boshe) ته عصر بخیر بوشه
frm - (sheme asr bekheyr boshe) شِما عصر بخیر بوشه
Good night (te sho khesh) ته شو خش
(Parting phrases)
(selāmeti) سلامتی
Good luck!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
(selāmeti) سلامتی
Have a nice day inf - (te rooz khesh boye) ته روز خش بوئه
frm - (sheme rooz khesh boye) شمه روز چش بوئه
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
(etā khāre ghezā bakher) اتا خاره غذا بخر
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
inf - (te safer khesh boye) ته سفر خش بوئه
frm - (sheme safer khesh boye) شمه سفر خش بوئه
Yes (are) اره
No (nā) نا
Maybe (moomkene) موومکنه
(shoyed) شاید
I don't know (nadome) ندومه
(nadombe) ندومبه
I understand (mere hāli baiye) مره حالی بیئه
I don't understand (mere hāli nayone) مره حالی نئونه‌
Please speak more slowly خاهش کمه یواشتر حرف بکش
(khāhesh kemme yevāshter harf bakesh)
خائش کمه یواشتر حرف بکش
(khāesh kemme yevāshter harf bakesh)
Please say that again (khāhesh kemme debāre bao) خاهش کمه دباره بئو
(khāesh kemme debāre bao) خائش کمه دباره بئو
Please write it down (khāesh kemme intāre banevis?) خائش کمه اینتاره بنویس؟
Do you speak English? (te engelisi sobet kendi?) ته انگلیسی صوبت کندی؟
(te engelisi gap zandi?) ته انگلیسی گپ زندی؟
Do you speak Mazandarani? (te tabari sobet kendi?) ته تبری صوبت کندی؟
(te tabari gap zandi?) ته تبری گپ زندی؟
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Speak to me in Mazandarani (mejā māzani harf bakesh) مه جا مازنی حرف بکش
(mejā tabari harf bakesh) مه جا تبری حرف بکش
How do you say ... in Mazandarani?
Excuse me (bakhsheni) بخشنی
How much is this? (ve chandoe?) وه چندوئه؟
Sorry (bakhsheni) بخشنی
Please (khāesh dārme) خائش دارمه
(khāhesh dārme) خاهش دارمه
Thank you (khele mamnoon) خله ممنون
(te dast dard nakone) ته دست درد نکنه
Reply to thank you (khāhesh kemme) خاهش کمه
Where's the toilet / bathroom? inf - (te asr bakheyr boshe) ته عصر بخیر بوشه
frm - (sheme asr bekheyr boshe) شِما عصر بخیر بوشه
This gentleman will pay for everything اینتا مردی همه چیره گردن گینه
(intā mardi hamechire gerden gine)
This lady will pay for everything اینتا زنا همه چیره گردن گینه
(intā zenā hamechire gerden gine)
Would you like to dance with me? (me jā chake semā kendi?) مه جا چکه سما کندی؟
I miss you (me del tesse tang hāyte) مه دل تسه تنگ هایته
I love you inf - (tere dos dārme) تره دوس دارمه
frm - (shemāre dos dārme) شماره دوس دارمه
Get well soon (zod khār bavāsh) زود خار بواش
Go away! (dar bor) در بور
(bor gom babosh) بور گم بأبوش
Leave me alone! (mere vel hāken) مره ول هاکن
Help! (komek) کمک
Fire! (tash) تش
Stop! (Save!) سأوه
Call the police! (polisesse zang bazen) پلیس اس سه زنگ بزن
Christmas greetings (krismas mevārek) کریسمس موارک
Easter greetings
Birthday greetings
One language is never enough (ata zevān dakel vas nie) اتا زوان دکل وس نیه
My hovercraft is full of eels

Many phrases provided by Austin Ennis

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Mazandarani | Phrases | Numbers

Phrases in Iranian languages

Dari, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Kurdish (Sorani), Mazandarani, Ossetian, Pashto, Persian (Farsi), Tajik, Zazaki

Phrases in other languages


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