Ayizo (Ayizɔ-ko)

Ayizo belongs to the Gbe branch of the Volta-Niger language family. It is spoken in southern Benin by about 476,000 people, particularly in Atlantique Department, and also in Kouffo and Zou departments. It is closely related to Gbesi (Gbe) and Kotafon (Gbe), which are spoken in the same area.

Ayizo is written with the Latin script, and first appeared in writing in a translation of Doctrina Christiana in 1658. It is also known as Ayizo Gbe, Ayizo-Gbe or Ayzo

Ayizo alphabet and pronunciation

Ayizo alphabet and pronunciation


An acute accent (á) marks a rising tone, a grave accent (à) marks a falling tone, a caron (ǎ) marks a falling-rising tone, a circumflex (â) marks a rising-falling tone, and a macron (ā) marks a neutral tone. Tone marking is not always used.

Download an alphabet chart for Ayizo (Excel)

Sample text (The Lord's Prayer - Luke 11: 2-4)

  1. Jezu ɖɔ na é ɖɔ : « Na mì joɖo na xoɖɛ ɔ, mì nɔ ɖɔ : "Atɔye, Blo na gbɛtɔ lɛ bi na nywɛ ɖɔ., Mǎwu mimɛ wɛ a nyi, Axɔ́súɖûɖû tɔwe nɛ wa,
  2. Na mǐ nuɖuɖu ɖě mǐ na ɖu ayihɔngbe ayihɔngbe ɔ,
  3. Sɔ hwɛ mǐtɔn lɛ kɛ mǐ. Ɖo, mǐ lɔsu mǐ nɔ sɔ hwɛ kɛ mɛ ɖě nɔ hu hwɛ do mǐ lɛ bi. Ma lɔn na mǐ na jɛ tɛnkpɔn mɛ o." »

Source: Bible.com

Translation (English)

  1. And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
  2. Give us day by day our daily bread.
  3. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

Source: https://association-ayizokogbe.org/en/bible/biblical-books/gospel-of-luke

Sample videos in Ayizo


Information about Ayizo

Volta-Niger languages

Aja, Ayizo, Belanda Viri, Edo, Ewe, Fon, Gen, Igala, Igbo, Ikwerre, Isoko, Nupe, Ogba, Urhobo, Yorùbá

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page created: 12.01.23. Last modified: 12.01.23


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