
Urhobo is a member of the Southwestern Edoid branch of the Volta-Niger language family. It is spoken by about 1.1 million people in the states of Delta, Bayelsa and Edo in the south of Nigeria.

This language is also known as as Biotu. Dialects include Agbarho, Ujevwe, Agbon, Udu, Olomu, Ughelli, Evwreni, Idjerhe and Avwraka. It is the de facto language of provincial identity in Delta and Edo states, and is used in primary schools.

Urhobo is written with the Latin script, and there is a dictionary, grammar and a translation of the Bible.

Urhobo alphabet and pronunciation

Urhobo alphabet and pronunciation


Download an alphabet chart for Urhobo (Excel)

Sample text (The Lord's Prayer - Luke 11: 2-4)

  1. Ọ da ta kẹ ayen, Ovwan da nẹ ẹrhovwo, ovwan ta, Ọsẹ, jẹ avwanre vwẹ ọghọ kẹ odẹ wẹn, jẹ uvie wẹn rhe.
  2. Kẹ avwanre emu ri kẹdẹ kẹdẹ;
  3. vwẹ imwemwu rẹ avwanre ghovwo avwanre, kirobo ri me vwo ghovwo otu ri gbe avwanre ku; Wo si avwanre ro odavwini-i.

Source: Bible.com

Translation (English)

  1. And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
  2. Give us day by day our daily bread.
  3. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

Source: Bible Gateway

Sample videos in Urhobo

Information about Urhobo | Numbers | Tower of Babel


Information about Urhobo

Volta-Niger languages

Aja, Ayizo, Belanda Viri, Edo, Ewe, Fon, Gen, Igala, Igbo, Ikwerre, Isoko, Nupe, Ogba, Urhobo, Yorùbá

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page created: 20.12.22. Last modified: 22.12.22


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