Useful phrases in Gheg Albanian

A collection of useful phrases in Gheg Albanian (Gegnisht), which spoken in Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, northern Albania and Bulgaria.

Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person).

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Phrase Gegnisht-Shqyp (Gheg Albanian)
Welcome Mir se vjên
Hello (General greeting) Fâla
Mir-dita (good day)
Qysh je?
Si je?
Tun-gât-jeta (may your life be longer)
Hello (on phone) Alo
How are you? Si jeni? (frm/pl)
Si je? (inf)
Reply to 'How are you?' Mir, faliminerit, pro ju? (frm)
Mir, faliminerit, pro tê? (inf)
Long time no see Ka shum koh qê s'jemi pâ
What's your name? Qysh e ki ẽmnin? (frm)
My name is ... Ẽmni jêm ãsht ...
Unê thirrna ...
Where are you from? Prêj ka je? (frm)
Ka je? (inf)
I'm from ... Unê jam prêj ...
Pleased to meet you Gzum qê të takova
Knaqt qê të takova
Gzum qê të njofta
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Good night Natën e mir
(Parting phrases)
Shimi ma vôn (see you later)
Good luck! Paç fat!
Paç nafäk!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Gzuar, or!
Shnêt n'tyê!
Have a nice day Ditën e mir!
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
T'bãft mir
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Rrug a mär
I understand Unê kuptôj
I don't understand Nuk kuptôj
Yes Po
No Jo
Maybe Nashta
I don't know Nuk e di
Please speak more slowly Muni të flêtni pak ma kadal, ju lutëm? (frm)
Mun të flasësh pak ma kadal, të lutëm? (inf)
Please say that again Muni ta përsëritni, ju lutëm? (frm)
Mun ta përsëritësh, të lutem?
Please write it down Të lutna, shkrujê (frm)
Mun ta shkrujsh? (inf)
Do you speak English? A flêtni ãnglisht? (frm)
A flêt ãnglisht? (inf)
Do you speak Gheg Albanian? A flêtni shqyp? (frm)
A flêt shqyp? (inf)
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Po, pak
Speak to me in Gheg Albanian
How do you say ... in Gheg Albanian? Qysh e thôni ... në gegnisht-shqyp
Excuse me M'fal!
How much is this? Sa kushton kjo?
Sorry M'fal!
Please Ju lutëm (frm)
Të lutëm
T'lutna (inf)
Thank you Falimin-nerit
Shum faliminerit
Reply to thank you S'kä përse
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Ku ãsht nevitôrja?
This gentleman will pay for everything Ky zotni kä mê pagu për ket
Ky zotni kä mê pagu për krejt
This lady will pay for everything Kjo zoj kä me pagu për ket
Kjo zoj kä me pagu për krejt
Would you like to dance with me? A do mê ksy me mu?
A doni të vallzoni?
I miss you Po më mungôn
I love you Të dua
Get well soon Shnoshu shpejt!
Go away! Shko!
Leave me alone! Lejëm rahat!
Help! Nihmojëm!
Fire! Zjarm!
Stop! Nalu!
Call the police! Thirrêni policijën!
Christmas greetings Gzuar Krisht-lindjê
New Year greetings Vitin e Ri
Easter greetings Gzuar Pashkën
Birthday greetings Gzuar Dit-lindjën
One language is never enough Nji guh kurr nuk ãsht bol
My hovercraft is full of eels Anija jêm ãsht plot mê ngjala

Download all the audio files (Zip format, 1.6MB)

Phrases provided by Gazmen Arifi from Skopje/Shkupi. Recordings by Granit Studenica.


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