Useful phrases in Swati (siSwati)

A collection of useful phrases in Swati, a Bantu language spoken in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and South Africa.

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Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person).

Phrase siSwati (Swati)
Welcome Wemukelekile (sg)
Nemukelekile (pl)
Hello (General greeting) Sawubona (sg - Do you see me?)
Sanibonani (pl - Do you see me all?)
Yebo (reply = yes)
How are you? Unjani? (sg)
Ninjani? (pl)
Reply to 'How are you?' Ngikhona, wena ke? (sg)
Sikhona, nine ke? (pl)
Ngiyaphila, wena ke? (sg)
Siyaphila, nine ke? (pl)
Long time no see Mehlo madzala ("long eyes")
What's your name? Ungubani ligama lakho?
My name is ... Ligama lami ngu ...
Where are you from? Uwakuphi?
Uchamuka kuphi?
Usuka kuphi?
I'm from ... Ngiwase ...
Ngiwa ...
Pleased to meet you Ngiyajabula kukwati
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Kusile sihlobo sami
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Sawubona emini yantsambama
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Lishonile sihlobo sami
Good night Busuku lobuhle
Ulalekahle (sg)
Nilalekahle (pl)
(Parting phrases)
Sala kahle (sg - stay well)
Salani kahle (pl)
Hamba kahle (sg - go well)
Good luck! Inhlanhla lenhle!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Imphilo lenhle!
Have a nice day Ube nelusuku loluhle!
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Ube neluhambo loluhle!
Ube neluhambo loluphephile! (sg)
Nibe neluhambo loluphephile! (pl)
Yes Yebo
No Cha
Maybe Mhlawumbe
I don't know Angati
Do you understand?
I understand
I don't understand Angiva
Please speak more slowly Shano kancane, ngiyacela
Please say that again Ngicela uphindze
Please write it down Ngicela ubhale phansi
Ngicela nibhale phansi
Sicela nibhale phansi
Sicela ubhale phansi
Do you speak English? Uyasatiyini siNgisi?
Uyasikhuluma yini siNgisi?
Do you speak Swazi? Uyasati yini siSwati?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Yebo, kancane
Do you speak a language
other than
Speak to me in Swazi Khuluma nami ngesiSwati
How do you say ... in Swazi? Kusho kutsini kutsi ... ngesiSwati?
Excuse me Ngicela uphindze angikeva
I would like ... Ngicela ...
How much is this? Kubita malini loku?
Sorry Ngiyacolisa
Please Ngiyacela
Thank you Ngiyabonga
Ngiyabonga kakhulu
Reply to thank you Wemukelekile
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Iphi indlu lencane?
Ungakuphi umthoyi?
This gentleman will pay for everything Lomnaketfu utobhadalela konkhe
This lady will pay for everything Lodzadzewetfu utobhadalela konkhe
Would you like to dance with me? Ungatsandza yini kujayiva nami?
Ungatsandza yini kutovocavoca nami?
Do you come here often?
I miss you Ngikukhumbulile
I want you Ngiyakufuna
I love you Ngiyakutsandza
Get well soon Ululame masinyane
Go away! Hamba!
Leave me alone! Ngiyekele!
Help! Ngicela lusito!
Fire! Umlilo!
Stop! Vimbani!
Call the police! Bitani bafana bembumbe!
Bitani emaphoyisa!
Christmas greetings Khisimusi lomuhle
New Year greetings Jabulani, ngumnyaka lomusha!
Easter greetings Liphasika lelihle
Birthday greetings Lusuku lwekutalwa loluhle
One language is never enough Lulwimi lunye alweneli
My hovercraft is full of eels


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