'Do you understand?' in many languages

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How to ask people if they understand you in many different languages.

Key to abbreviations: vinf = very informal, inf = informal, frm = formal, sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person), m = said by males, f = said by females

Click on any of the phrases that are links to hear them spoken. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

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Language Do you understand?
Afrikaans Verstaan jy?
Albanian (Tosk) A e kupton?
A më kuptoni?
Më kuptoni?
Amharic ገባሀ? (Gäbah?) >m
ገባሸ? (Gäbaš?) >f
(Modern Standard)
m (hal tafhamu?) هل تفهمُ؟
f (hal tafhamina?) هل تفهمين؟
Assamese আপুনি বুজি পায়নে?
(apuni buzi payne?) - frm
তুমি বুজি পোৱানে?
(tumi buzi pûwane?) - inf
তই বুজি পাৱনে?
(Toi buzi paone?) - vinf
Basque Ulertzen duzu?
Bavarian Hosd mi? (inf)
Bengali আপনি কি বোঝেন? (apni ki bojhen?) - frm
তুমি কি বোঝো? (tumi ki bojho?) inf
তুই কি বুঝিস? (tui ki bujhish?) - vinf
Bikol Nasasabutan mo?
Breton Kompren a rez? (inf)
Kompren a ret? (frm)
Bulgarian Разбираш ли? (Razbiraš li?) inf
Разбирате ли? (Razbirate li?) frm
Burmese နားလည်သလား။
Catalan Entens?
Central Dusun Karati ko po nangku dii? (sg)
Karati ko? (inf/sg)
Karati kou po nangku dii? (pl)
Chabacano de Zamboanga Ta entende, tu?
你明唔明呀? (néih mìhngm̀hmìhng a)
你聽得懂嗎? [你听得懂吗?]
(Nǐ tīngdédǒng ma?)
你明白嗎? [你明白吗?]
(Nǐ míngbai ma?)
你聽有無? (lí thiaⁿ-ū-bô?)
Choctaw Chi anukfo̱kka ho̱? (sg)
Hʋchi anukfo̱kka ho̱? (pl)
Chuukese Ka wewe?
Coastal Kadazan Kalati ko po naku dii? (sg)
Kalati ko? (inf/sg)
Kalati kou po naku dii? (pl)
Cornish A wodhesta konvedhes? (sg)
A wodhowgh hwi konvedhes? (pl)
Cree ᑭᓂᓯᑐᐦᑌᐣ?(kinisitohten?)
Croatian Razumiješ? (inf)
Razumijete? (frm)
Cuyonon Aintindian mo?
Czech Rozumíš? (inf)
Rozumíte? (frm)
Danish Forstår du?
Dutch Begrijpt u? (frm)
Begrijp je? (inf)
Efik Anwaña fi?
Estonian Kas sa saad aru?
Faroese Skilur tú?
Filipino Naiintindihán mo?
Finnish Ymmärrätkö?
French Comprends tu ? (sg)
Comprenez vous ? (frm/pl)
As-tu compris ? (sg)
Tu as compris ? (sg)
T'as-tu compris ? (Quebec French)
Gascon E comprénes ? (inf)
E comprenetz (frm)
German Verstehst du? (sg)
Verstehen Sie? (frm/pl)
Gujarati તમે શમજોછો? (Tamē śamajōchō?)
Haitian Creole Ou konprann?
Eske ou konprann?
Hausa Kana jin harshen?
Ka gane? (>m)
Kin gane? (>f)
Hindi क्या आप समझे? (Kyā āp samajhe?)
Hungarian Érted?
Indonesian Apakah saudara mengerti?
Irish (Gaelic) An dtuigeann tú? (sg)
An dtuigeann sibh? (pl)
Italian Capisci? (sg)
Capisce? (frm/pl)
Japanese わかりますか (wakarimasu ka?) - frm
Kannada ನಿಮಗೆ ಆರ್ಥವಾತ್ತ? (nimage ārthavāgatta?)
Kashmiri त्वहि छा फिकिरि तरान?
(Tvahi chaa phikiri taraan?)
Kurdish (Kurmanji) Tu têdigihijî?
Kven Ymmärätkö?
Latin Intellegisne? (neutral expectation)
Intellegistisne? (pl)
Intellegis nonne? (positive expectation)
Intellegistis nonne? (pl)
Intellegis num? (negative expectation)
Intellegistis num? (pl)
Scis nonne?
Scistis nonne?
Scis num?
Scistis num?
Luxembourgish Verstees du? (inf)
Verstitt Dir? (frm)
Malagasy Azonao ve?
Malay Adakah saudara faham?
Maltese Fhimt?
Mauritian Creole To konpran?
Muscogee (Creek / Seminole) Kērretskv? (sg)
Kērratskv? (pl)
Norwegian Forstår du?
Pashto (ta poheegee?) ته پوهيږې؟
Portuguese (Brazilian) Entende?
Você entende?
Portuguese Percebe?
Punjabi ਕੀਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸਮੱਝ ਲੱਗਿਆ? / کیہ تہانوں سمجھ لگیا؟
(kituhanoon samijh lagia?)
Quechua ¿Intindinkichu?
Romansh Chapeschas ti?
Russian Ты понимаешь?
(Ty ponimayesh’?) - inf
Вы понимаете?
(Vy ponimayete?) - frm/pl
Samogitian A to suprūnti?
Sauk Kenenohtawi?
Scottish Gaelic A bheil thu a' tuigsinn? (inf)
A bheil sibh a' tuigsinn? (frm/pl)
Shona Munonzvisisa here?
Sinhala තේරෙනවා ද (tērenavā da?)
Slovak Rozumieš? (sg)
Rozumiete? (pl)
Somali Miyaad fahantay?
Spanish ¿Entiendes? (sg)
¿Entendéis? (pl)
¿Entiende usted? (frm)
¿Comprende? (frm)
¿Comprendes? (inf)
Swahili Unaelewa?
Swedish Förstår du?
Fattaru? (colloquial)
Tabassaran ИчІву изу гъагъурди шулдунучва?
(Ič̣vu izu ḡaḡurdi šuldunučwa?)
Tagalog Nauunawaan mo?
Tamil (formal) உனக்கு புரிகிறதா (uṉakku purikiṟatā)
Thai เข้าใจไหม? (khâo jai mái)
Tibetan ཧ་གོ་སོང་ངས་། (ha-ko song ngay)
Tok Pisin Yu klia?
Yu klia gut?
Turkish Anladın mı? (sg/inf)
Anlıyor musun? (sg/inf)
Anladınız mı? (sg/frm)
Anlıyor musunuz? (sg/frm)
Anladınız mı? (pl/ inf & frm)
Anlıyor musunuz? (pl / inf & frm)
Tuvaluan Koe e malamalama? (sg)
Koulua e malamalama? (du)
Koutou e malamalama? (pl)
Urdu کیا تم سمجھ رہے ہو؟
(Kyá tum samajh rahe ho?) - inf/sg/m
کیا تم سمجھ رہی ہو؟
(Kyá tum samajh rahí ho?) - inf/sg/f
کیا آپ سمجھ رہے ہیں؟
(Kyá áp samajh rahe haiñ?) - frm/pl/m
کیا آپ سمجھ رہی ہیں؟
(Kyá áp samajh rahí haiñ?) - frm/pl/f
(Samjhe?) - inf/m
(Samjhí?) - inf/f
Vietnamese Ông có hiểu không?
Wayuu Püyawaatüin saa'u?
Welsh Wyt ti'n deall? (inf)
Dach chi'n deall? (frm/pl)
Wolof Dégg nga?
Xhosa Uyaqonda?
Yoruba Ṣé ó yé ọ?
Zulu Uyezwa?
Auxiliary and constructed languages
Esperanto Ĉu vi komprenas?
Folkspraak Festa du (mi)?
Interlingua Comprende vos?
Klingon bIyaj'a'? (sg)
Suyaj'a'? (pl)
Laala Haha da?
Lingua Franca Nova Tu comprende Lingua Franca Nova?
Ту комренде Лингуа Франка Нова?
Talossan ¿Cumprencás’t? (inf)
¿Cumprenchetz voi? (frm/pl)
Toki Pona sina sona ala sona?
Volapük Suemol-li?

Translations by Iac Marscheir, Igor Kusin, Layne Ainsworth, Sampo Syreeni, Тодор Николов, Krishna May, Diodan Maliferr, Marc Pasquin, Nikola Áron Bölöni, Brad Wilson, Jean-Paul Potet, Sommardan Stenborg, Karl Ian Basilla Basallote, Fredrik Adevåg, Sagir Ahmed Msa, Abu Saleh Mohammad Sultan, Коки Сонце, Steve Hewitt, Lùthais MacGriogair, Jason Bullett, Moh'd Shakeb Baig, Dan Baisden, Mehmet


Translations of 'Do you understand?' in many languages

People who have contributed to this section

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Other phrases

Welcome | Hello | How are you? | Long time no see | What's your name? | Where are you from? | Pleased to meet you | Good morning | Good afternoon | Good evening | Good night | Goodbye | Good luck | Cheers! | Have a nice day | Have a nice weekend | Bon appetit | Bon voyage | Yes, No | Maybe | I don't know | Do you understand? | I understand | I don't understand | Please speak more slowly | Please say that again | Please write it down | Do you speak English? | Do you speak [your language]? | I'm learning [your language] | How do you say ... in [your language]? | Speak to me in [your language] | Excuse me | I would like ... | How much is this? | Sorry | Please | Thank you | Where's the toilet? | This gentleman/lady will pay for everything | Would you like to dance? | Do you come here often? | I miss you | I love you | Get well soon | Go away! | Leave me alone! | Help! | Fire! | Stop! | Call the police! | Merry Christmas | Happy New Year | Happy Easter | Happy Birthday | Congratulations | One language is never enough | My hovercraft is full of eels


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