Nomatsiguenga is an Arawakan language spoken in the Junin Region in central Peru by the Machiguenga people. In 2003 there were about 6,500 speakers of Nomatsiguenga, which is closely related to Machiguenga.
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Antagaisati matsiguenga ibogaiguë matsiguengasonorl. Aisati icantaigaca. Teni iromerataiguengani. Antagaisati iquengaigui aisati igóiguiro ora caninaro aisati igóiguiro ora te onganinate. Iroro caninataque omagaro matsiguenga iraniacaninataigueri ira basiniati matsiguenga aisati ingantaiguerí ora caninaro.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Information about Nomatsiguenga
Achagua, Apurinã, Arawak, Asháninka, Ashéninka, Baniwa, Baniwa of Guainía, Baure, Caquinte, Chamicuro, Curripaco, Enawene Nawe, Garifuna, Iñapari, Machiguenga, Nanti, Nomatsiguenga, Palikúr, Paraujuano, Paresi, Pauna, Piapoco, Taíno, Tariana, Terêna, Wapishana, Wayuu, Yanesha', Yine, Yucuna
Languages written with the Latin alphabet
Page last modified: 23.04.21
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