Useful Basque phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Basque, a language with no known relatives spoken in northern Spain and southern France.

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See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

Guide to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal, >m = said to males, >f = said to females.

English euskara (Basque)
Welcome Ongi etorri
Hello (General greeting) Kaixo
How are you? Zer moduz?
Reply to 'How are you?' Ondo, eskerrik asko
Long time no see Aspaldiko!
What's your name? Nor zara?
Zein da zure izena?
My name is ... ... naiz
Nire izena ... da
Where are you from? Nongoa zara?
I'm from ... ... koa/goa naiz
Pleased to meet you Urte askotarako
Pozten naiz zu ezagutzeaz
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Egun on
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Arratsalde on
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Arratsalde on
Good night Gabon
(Parting phrases)
Gero arte (see you later)
Good luck! Zorte on!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
On egin!
Have a nice day Egun ona izan dezazula
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
On egin!
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Ondo ibili!
Yes Bai
No Ez
Maybe Agian
I don't know Ez dakit
Do you understand? Ulertzen duzu?
I understand Ulertzen dut
I don't understand Ez dut ulertzen
Please speak more slowly Astiro-astiro hitz egin mesedez
Please write it down Idatz iezadazu mesedez
Do you speak English? Ingelesa hitz egiten duzu?
Ingelesa hitz egiten duk? (>m)
Ingelesa hitz egiten dun? (>f)
Do you speak Basque? Euskaraz badakizu?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Bai, pixka bat
How do you say ... in Basque? Nola esaten da ... euskaraz?
Excuse me Barkatu
How much is this? Zenbat balio du?
Sorry Barkatu
Please Mesedez
Thank you Eskerrik asko
Mila esker
Esker aunitz
Reply to thank you Ez da ezer
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Non dago komuna?
Would you like to dance with me? Dantzatu nahi al duzu nirekin?
I miss you Zure falta somatzen dut
Faltan botatzen zaitut
I love you Maite zaitut
This gentleman will pay for everything Gizon honek guztia ordainduko du
This lady will pay for everything Emakume honek guztia ordainduko du
Get well soon Hobera egin
Leave me alone! Utzi pakean!
Help! Lagundu!
Fire! Sua!
Stop! Geldi!
Call the police! Deitu poliziari!
Christmas greetings Gabon zoriontsuak
New Year greetings Urte berri on
Easter greetings Ondo izan Bazko garaian
Birthday greetings Zorionak!
Congratulations! Zorionak!
One language is never enough Hizkuntza bat ez da inoiz nahikoa
My hovercraft is full of eels Nire aerolabaingailua aingirez beteta dago
Let's talk Mintza gaitezen
I don't speak Basque Ez dakit euskaraz hitz egiten
Where's the ...? Non dago ...?
Who? Nork?
What? Zer?
Why? Zergatik?
When? Noiz?
Where? Non?
How? Nola?

Corrections, recordings and additional phrases by Aitor Aguirre of Langademy

Download all the audio files (Zip format, 1.5MB)

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Hear some Basque phrases:

Information about Basque | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tower of Babel | Articles | Basque courses on: and [affilate links]


Other collections of Basque phrases

Phrases in language isolates


Phrases in other languages


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