Useful Friulian phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Friulian, a Romance language spoken in northern Italy.

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Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal

English furlan/marilenghe (Friulian)
Welcome Agradît
Hello (General greeting) Mandi
How are you? Cemût stâstu? (inf)
Cemût staial? (frm)
Reply to 'How are you?' O stoi ben, graciis. E tu? (inf)
O stoi ben, graciis. E vô? (frm)
Long time no see Ce tant che no ti viôt
What's your name? Ce non âstu?
My name is ... Il gno non al è ...
Where are you from? Di dulà sêstu?
I'm from ... O ven di ...
Pleased to meet you Plasê di cognossiti
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Buine sere
Good night Buine gnot
(Parting phrases)
Good luck! Buine fortune
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
A bon pro!
Have a nice day Buine zornade
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bon pitic
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Bon viaç
No No
Maybe Forsit
I don't know No sai
I understand Capis
I don't understand No capìs
Please speak more slowly Fevele a planc par plasê
Please say that again Puedistu tornâ a dî? (inf)
Puedial tornâ a dî? (frm)
Please write it down Puedistu scrivilu par plasê? (inf)
Puedial scrivilu par plasê? (frm)
Do you speak English? Fevelistu inglês? (inf)
Fevelial inglês? (frm)
Do you speak Fruilian? Fevelistu furlan? (inf)
Fevelial furlan? (frm)
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Sì, un pôc
Speak to me in Friulian? Fevelimi furlan
How do you say ... in Friulian? Cemût si disial ... par furlan?
Excuse me Scusimi (inf)
O domandi scuse (frm)
How much is this? Trop costial chest?
Trop vegnial chest?
Sorry Scuse!
Thank you Graciis
Reply to thank you Di bant
Di nuie
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Dulà isal il bagn?
This gentleman will pay for everything Chest siôr al paiarà dut
This lady will pay for everything Cheste siore e paiarà dut
Would you like to dance with me? Vuelistu balâ cun me?
I miss you Tu mi mancjis
I love you Ti vuei ben
Get well soon Vuarìs daurman
Leave me alone! Lassimi stâ
Help! Jutori!
Fire! Fûc!
Stop! Ferme!
Call the police! Clame la polizìe!
Christmas greetings Bon Nadâl!
New Year greetings Bon Principi!
Easter greetings Buine Pasche!
Birthday greetings Bon complean!
One language is never enough Une lenghe no je mai avonde
My hovercraft is full of eels Il gno hovercraft al è plen di bisats

Translations compiled by Sam Giloi, with corrections by Michele Calligaris

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Friulian | Phrases | Numbers


Another collection of Friulian phrases

Phrases in Romance/Italic languages

Aragonese, Aranese, Aromanian, Asturian, Catalan, Corsican, Extremaduran, French, Friulian, Galician, Gallo, Gascon, Guernésiais, Italian, Jèrriais, Ladino, Latin, Occitan, Mirandese, Monégasque, Mozarabic, Picard, Portuguese (Brazlian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Romansh, Sardinian (Campidanese), Sardinian (Logodorese), Sicilian, Spanish, Venetian, Walloon

Phrases in other languages


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