Useful phrases in Extremaduran

A collection of useful phrases in Extremaduran, a Romance language spoken mainly in Extremadura in western Spain

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See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal

Phrase Estremeñu (Extremaduran)
Welcome Bienveníu, -a
Bienllegau, -á
Hello (General greeting) Ola!
Heu! (inf)
Híu! (inf)
Yeu! (inf)
Hai! (inf)
Hello (on phone) Sí?
How are you? Cómu andamus? (frm)
Cómu andas? (inf)
Cómu vá la cosa? (inf)
Reply to 'How are you?' Bien
Long time no see Qué de tiempu!
What's your name? Cómu te llamas? (inf)
Cómu se llama usté? (frm)
My name is ... Me llamu ...
So ...
Where are you from? Dándi eris? (inf)
Cúyu eris? (inf)
Dándi es usté? (frm)
I'm from ... So(i) de ...
Pleased to meet you Tantu gustu
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Buenu(s) día(s)
Alos buenus días
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Buena(s) tardi(s)
Alas buenas tardis
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Buena(s) tardi(s)
Alas buenas tardis
Good night Buena(s) nochi(s)
Alas buenas nochis
(Parting phrases)
Adiós! (frm)
Con dios! (frm)
Adiós con dios! (frm)
Vai con dios! (frm)
Di con dios! (frm)
Anda con dios! (frm)
Andai con dios! (frm)
Quea con dios! (frm)
Queai con dios! (frm)
Amos! (inf)
Amos allá! (inf)
Ya vás? (inf)
Ya vais? (inf)
Good luck! Que vaiga bien!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice day Que passibuen día!
Que passis buen día!
A passal buen día!
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Que assienti bien!
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Buen viagi!
No No
Maybe Quiciá
Alo mejol
I don't know No sé
I understand Comprendu
I don't understand No comprendu
I have no idea No tengu idea
(No sé) ni peba
Please speak more slowly Has el favol: palra más lentu
Haga el favol: palri más lentu
Please say that again Haga el favol, me lo vuelva a dizil? (frm)
Has el favol, me lo vuelvis a dizil? (inf)
Please write it down Haga el favol i lo aponti (frm)
Has el favol, aponta-lu (inf)
Do you speak English? Pui, palras ingrés? (inf)
Pui, palra ingrés? (frm)
Do you speak Extremaduran? Pui, palras estremeñu? (inf)
Pui, palra estremeñu? (frm)
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Sí, una mijina
Speak to me in Extremaduran Palra-mi en estremeñu (inf)
Me palri en estremeñu (frm)
How do you say ... in Extremaduran?
Excuse me Disculpa! (inf)
Disculpi! (frm)
How much is this? Qué preciu tien?
A cómu está?
Sorry Perdón! (frm)
Disculpi! (frm)
Dispensi! (frm)
Disculpa! (inf)
Dispensa! (frm)
Please Has el favol (inf)
Haga el favol (frm)
Thank you Gracias
Muchas gracias
Reply to thank you Muchas vezis

No es ná
Pa essu estamus
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Óndi está el serviciu?
This gentleman will pay for everything Esti señol vá a pagal tó
This lady will pay for everything Esta señora vá a pagal tó
Would you like to dance with me? Quieris bailal? (inf)
Quiel bailal? (frm)
I miss you T’echu en falta
T’echu de menus
I love you Te quieru
Get well soon Que te pongas buenu!
Que te mejoris!
Go away!
Leave me alone! Dexa-mi tranquilu, -a (inf)
Me dexi tranquilu, -a (frm)
Help! Acorrei-mi!
Fire! Huegu!
Stop! Alto!
Call the police! Llama la policía! (inf)
Llami la policía! (frm)
Christmas greetings Felís Naviá
New Year greetings Felís añu nuevu
Easter greetings Felizis Pascuas!
Birthday greetings Felicidais!
One language is never enough Una idioma nunca es suficienti
My hovercraft is full of eels El mi arobarcu está llenitu d'enguilas
It’s enough / Enough Buenu está!
Wow! Chacho!
Incredible! Ya creu yo que es algu!
Vaya tela!
Es chica!
Great! Cool! Qué buenu!
Listen Cucha!

Phrases provided by Ismael Carmona García

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Extremaduran | Phrases | Numbers

Phrases in Romance/Italic languages

Aragonese, Aranese, Aromanian, Asturian, Catalan, Corsican, Extremaduran, French, Friulian, Galician, Gallo, Gascon, Guernésiais, Italian, Jèrriais, Ladino, Latin, Occitan, Mirandese, Monégasque, Mozarabic, Picard, Portuguese (Brazlian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Romansh, Sardinian (Campidanese), Sardinian (Logodorese), Sicilian, Spanish, Venetian, Walloon

Phrases in other languages


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