Useful phrases in Northern Low Saxon

A collection of useful phrases in Northern Low Saxon, a West Low German dialect spoken in parts of northern Germany.

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Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person).

English Noord-Neddersassisch/Plattdüütsch
(Northern Low Saxon)
Welcome Willkamen
Hello (General greeting) Moin
How are you? Wo geiht't?
Reply to 'How are you?' (Mi geiht't) good. Un di? (sg)
(Mi geiht't) good. Un jo? (pl)
Long time no see Lang nich sehn
What's your name? Wo heetst du?
My name is ... Ik heet ...
Where are you from? Wonääm kümmst du vun af? (sg)
Wonääm kaamt jo vun af? (pl)
I'm from ... Ik kaam ut ... (sg)
Wi kaamt ut ... (pl)
Pleased to meet you Schöön, di kennen to lehrn (sg)
Schöön, jo kennen to lehrn (pl)
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
(Goden) Morgen
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
(Goden) Dag
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
(Goden) Avend
Good night (Gode) Nacht
(Parting phrases)
Good luck! Allens Gode!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Hold di fuchtig! (sg) Hold jo fuchtig! (pl)
Have a nice day Goden Dag noch!
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Laat di dat lecker smecken! (sg)
Laat jo dat lecker smecken! (pl)
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Gode Reis'!
I understand Ik verstah
I don't understand Ik verstah dat nich
Please speak more slowly Snack maal 'n bäten suutje (sg)
Snackt maal 'n bäten suutje (pl)
Please say that again Kannst dat nochmaal seggen? (inf)
Kœnt Se dat noch maal seggen? (frm)
Please write it down Wääs so good un schriev' dat up
Do you speak Low Saxon? Snackst (du) Platt? (sg)
Snackt ji Platt? (pl)
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Ja, 'n bäten
How do you say ... in Low Saxon? Wo heet dat up Platt? (word)
Wo seggt 'n dat up Platt? (sentence or expression)
Excuse me Nähm dat man nich för ungood! (sg)
Nähmt dat man nich för ungood! (pl)
How much is this? Wat köst dat?
Wovääl köst dat?
Sorry Deit mi leed
Thank you Dank di (sg) Dank jo (pl)
Reply to thank you Nich daar för
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Wonääm is dat Paddemang?
This gentleman will pay for everything Düsse Herr betahlt för allens
This lady will pay for everything Düsse Daam' betahlt för allens
Would you like to dance with me? Mag ik bäden?
Wullt du danzen?
I love you Ik heff di leev
Get well soon Gode Bäternis!
Leave me alone! Laat mi tofräden!
Help! Hülp!
Fire! Füür!
Stop! Stopp!
Call the police! Roop de Schandarms! (sg)
Roopt de Schandarms! (pl)
Christmas greetings Frohe Wiehnachten
New Year greetings Allens Gode för 't neje Jahr!
Easter greetings Frohe Oostern! Frohe Paaschen!
Birthday greetings Allens Gode to'n Boortsdag!
One language is never enough Een Spraak is nie nich noog
My hovercraft is full of eels  


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