Useful phrases in Alsatian

A collection of useful phrases in Alsatian, a Germanic language spoken mainly in Alsace in northeast of France.

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Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal

English Ëlsässisch (Alsatian)
Welcome Wellkumma
Hello (General greeting) Hallo
Güete Tag
Güata Tàg
Göte Tàij
Grias di wohl
Salü bisàmme (Hello everyone)
How are you? Geht's?
Wia geht's?
Wie géht's?
Reply to 'How are you?' Güet
'S géht güet, ùn dü?
Long time no see Mir hànn ùns schon làng nemmi gséhn
What's your name? Wie heisch dü?
Wia heisch?
My name is ... Ich heisch ...
Ìch heiß ...
Where are you from? Wo kümmsch dü her?
Wo kummsch dü har?
Wo kummsch har?
I'm from ... Ich kùmm von ...
Ìch kumm üs ...
Pleased to meet you Es freit mich Sie kenne ze lehre (frm)
Es freit mich dich kenne ze lehre (inf)
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Güete Morge
güete Morga
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Güete Nàchmittag
scheener Noochmiddàà
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Güeter Owa
Güete Obe
A güata-n-owa
A göte-n-owwe.
Good night Güet' Nàcht
güeti Nàcht
(Parting phrases)
Biss boll (see you soon)
Good luck! Viel Gliek
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice day A scheene Dàa
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
e Güeter!
e Bessere (reply to the above)
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Bù Voyage
Yes Ja
No Nee
I don't know Ich weiss nitt
I understand Ich versteh
I don't understand Ich versteh nitt
I don't know Ich weiss nitt
Please speak more slowly Redde lëngsemer, wënn 's beliebt
Please say that again Repeteer noch a Mol
Please write it down Wotsch's ùfschriwa
Do you speak English? Kannst dü Englisch redde?
Do you speak Kannst dü Ëlsässisch redde?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Ja a bessele
Speak to me in Alsatian Redd mit m'r Elsässisch
How do you say ... in Alsatian? Wie seit m'r ... in Elsässisch?
Excuse me 's düet mir Leid
How much is this? Was koschtet das?
Sorry Es töt mir leid
Please Wënn 's beliebt
Thank you Mersi
Vielmohls mersi
merci vielmols
Reply to thank you 'S esch nitt de Wart
'S esch (schon) güet
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Wo isch 's Kabinee?
This gentleman/lady will pay for everything Der Monsieur bezàhlt àlles
This lady will pay for everything Die Màdàm bezàhlt àlles
Would you like to dance with me? Wotsch dü mit mir tanza?
Wit dü mit mir tanza?
I miss you Dü felsch mir
I love you Ich hàbb dir lïab
Get well soon Wor bàl(d) widder g'sùnd
Go away! Géh jetz!
Leave me alone! Los mich in Rüh/Röh!
Help! Au Secours!
Fire! Fier!
Stop! Her ùff!
Call the police! Röff d'Polizei!
Christmas greetings E güeti Wïnâchte
New Year greetings Gleckichs Nej Johr
Easter greetings Frohe Ostern
Birthday greetings Viel Gleck zöm Gabursdàa
Zöm Gabursdàa Viel Gleck
One language is never enough Eini Sproch esch nie genöh
Eini Sproch langt nie
My hovercraft is full of eels Mini Aéroglisseur esch voll von Ààle
Mini Howerkràft esch voll von Ààle

Some Alsatian phrases provided by Francois Boullion. The recordings are mainly in the Mulhouse dialect of Alsatian and come from the second video below.

Hear some Alsatian phrases:

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Alsatian | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel


Other collections of Alsatian phrases

Phrases in Germanic languages

Afrikaans, Alsatian, American Norwegian, Bavarian, Cimbrian, Danish, Dutch, Elfdalian, English (British), Faroese, Flemish (West), Frisian (North - Bökingharde), Frisian (North - Sylt), Frisian (Saterland), Frisian (West), German, Gothic, Icelandic, Limburgish, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Norwegian, Old English, Pennsylvania German/Dutch, Scots, Stellingwarfs, Swedish, Swiss German (Basel dialect), Swiss German (Chur dialect), Swiss German (Lucerne dialect), Värmlandic, West Jutlandic, Westrobothnian, Wymsorys, Yiddish

Phrases in other languages


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