Useful phrases in Romanian Tatar

A collection of useful phrases in Romanian Tatar (Tatarşa / Tatar tílí), a Kipchak Turkic language spoken in Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey.

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Phrase Tatarşa (Romanian Tatar)
Welcome Koş keldíñíz
Hello (General greeting) Selam
Selam alekím
Alekím selam (reply)
Kayîrlî kún
Kún aydîn
Hello (on phone) Alo
How are you? Aruwmîsîn?
Reply to 'How are you?' Aruwman (I'm good)
Aruw tuwîlman (I'm not good)
Long time no see Kóríşmegenímíz baya bola
What's your name? Adîñîz kanday?
My name is ... Mením adîm ...
Where are you from? Kayerdensíñíz?
I'm from ... Men ...dan/den kelemen
Pleased to meet you Sízí tanîganîma memnun boldîm
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Kayîrlî erten
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Kayîrlî kún
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Kayîrlî akşam
Good night Kayîrlî keşe
Kayîrga karşî (reply)
(Parting phrases)
Ğolîñîz tegís bolsîn
Sawlîkman barîñîz (Go safely)
Sawlîkman kalîñîz (Stay safely)
Good luck! Kîsmet tíleymen!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Kóp yaşa!
Have a nice day Kúníñíz aruw bolsîn
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bereketlí bolsîn!
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Ğolîñîz aşîk bolsîn!
Yes Ya
No Yok
Maybe Belkí
I don't know Bílmeymen
Do you understand? Añlaysîñîzmî?
I understand Añlayman
I don't understand Añlamayman
Please speak more slowly Lútfen yawaș aytîñîz
Please say that again Lútfen gene bír kere aytsañîz
Please write it down Lútfen yazîñîz
Do you speak English? Íngílíz tílíní bílesíñízmí?
Do you speak Romanian Tatar? Tatarșa bílesíñísmí?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Ya, az bíraz
Do you speak a language
other than
Romanian Tatar?
Tatarșadan başka bír tíl bílesíñísmí?
Speak to me in Romanian Tatar Tatarșa konîșîñîz
How do you say ... in Romanian Tatar? Tatarșa ... kanday aytasîñîz?
Excuse me Ózúr tíleymen
How much is this? Búkșesí kaș?
Sorry Ózúr tíleymen
Please Lútfen
Thank you Saw bolîñîz
Reply to thank you Sízde saw bolîñîz (Thank you too)
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Ayakğolî kayda?
This gentleman will pay for everything Bo bey er șiyní ódey
This lady will pay for everything Bo hanîm er șiyní ódey
Would you like to dance with me? Menímen dans etermísíñíz?
Do you come here often? Epmí kelírsíñíz mînda?
I miss you Sení ózliymen
I love you Sení súyemen
Get well soon Saw bolîñîz
Esen bolîñîz
Go away! Ket mîndan!
Leave me alone! Mení ğanlîz bîrak!
Help! Yardîm!
Fire! Ateș!
Stop! Tokta!
Call the police! Polistí kîdîr!
Christmas greetings Noel bayramî kayîrlî bolsîn!
New Year greetings Ğañî seneler kayîrlî bolsîn!
Easter greetings Paskalya bayramî kayîrlî bolsîn!
Birthday greetings Kayîrlî seneler!
Kayîrlî yaşlar!
Tuwgan kúnín kayîrlî bolsîn!
Congratulations! Kayîrlî bolsîn!
One language is never enough Bír tíl yetmez
My hovercraft is full of eels Hovercraft'îm ğîlan balîklarînan tolî

Hear some phrases in Romanian Tatar:

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Romanian Tatar | Phrases | Numbers


Other collections of Romanian Tatar phrases

Phrases in Turkic languages

Altay, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Chuvash, Kazakh, Kumyk, Kyrgyz, Nogai, Sakha (Yakut), Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Tuvan, Uyghur, Uzbek

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