
Araki is a member of the Southern Oceanic branch of the Malayo-Polynesian language family. It is spoken on Araki island south of Espiritu Santo island in Vanuatu by about 8 people. The rest of Araki's population understand the language and speak it to a limited extent. There is a language shift going on towards Tangoa, and Araki speakers also speak Bislama.

Araki alphabet and pronunciation

Araki alphabet and pronunciation

Download an Araki alphabet chart (Excel)

Sample text

R̄uai, Raki mo roho r̄o v̈ahasun Okava. Mo re lo ran mo hese, mo v̈eia hanhan mo hese Raki. Mara Naur̄alap̈a mo sivosivo mo velu r̄o kia. Mo velu, rai nohosu mo r̄oho r̄o. Naurālap̈a mo rongo leoro r̄o.


Before, Araki was situated over there, in (front of) Hog Harbour. One day there was a big feast in Araki, so they say. The people from Santo went there to dance. As they were dancing, those who were on the mainland (Santo) could hear their voices.


Araki sample text provided by Michael Peter Füstumum

Information about Araki | Araki Numbers


Information about the Araki languages

Oceanic languages

Adzera, Ahamb, Äiwoo, Aneityum, Apma, Araki, Are, ’Auhelawa, Avava, Babatana, Bariai, Bola, Big Numbas, Buhutu, Bwaidoka, Caac, Cheke Holo, Dorig, Hiri Motu, Hiw, Hoava, Kakabai, Kaninuwa, Kokota, Kove, Kurti, Lakon, Lehali, Lenakel, Lewo, Lote, Lo-Toga, Löyöp, Manam, Marovo, Maskelynes, Mato, Mavea, Mono-Alu, Motu, Mussau-Emira, Mwotlap, Nafsan, Nahavaq, Namakura, Nanggu, Nduke, Neve‘ei, Neverver, Ninde, North Efate, Nume, Paamese, Papapana, Raga, Rotuman, Roviana, Sa, Sakao, Saliba, Siar, Sio, Ske, Sobei, Sursurunga, Tamambo, Tami, Teanu, Tigak, Tirax, Tolai, Touo, Ubir, Ughele, Uneapa, Vatlongos, Vitu, Vurës, Western Fijian, Yabem, Yapese

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 24.02.23


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