Bola (Bola-Bakovi)

Bola is a member of the Western Oceanic branch of Malayo-Polynesian language family. It is spoken by about 13,700 people on the northeast coast of the Willaumez peninsula in West New Britain province of Papua New Guinea. It is spoken mainly by adults, and by some young people.

Bola is also known as Bakovi, Talasea or Valupai. There are two dialects: Harua and Bola.

Bola alphabet and pronunciation

Bola alphabet and pronunciation


Download an alphabet chart for Bola (Excel)

Sample text (A Ligo Huluvonga)

Hosi e huriki a Tolai ri kona a dara o Talasea. Ri vore na aga valai o Rabaul, ri luve tura-na koea a maka maki ni kona a dara vona. Na parava tara, ranga Tolai ri vore na aga valai ni kona a dara.

Translation (The Useless Dog)

Long ago the Tolais bought shell money here at Talasea. They paddled in canoes from Rabaul and arrived here with things to buy shell money with. One day, some Tolais paddled in canoes here to buy shell money.

Source: Bola Grammar Sketch by Brent Wiebe and René van den Berg

Details provided by Michael Peter Füstumum

Video in Bola

Information about Bola | Numbers


Information about Bola

Oceanic languages

Adzera, Ahamb, Äiwoo, Aneityum, Apma, Araki, Are, ’Auhelawa, Avava, Babatana, Bariai, Bola, Big Numbas, Buhutu, Bwaidoka, Caac, Cheke Holo, Dorig, Hiri Motu, Hiw, Hoava, Kakabai, Kaninuwa, Kokota, Kove, Kurti, Lakon, Lehali, Lenakel, Lewo, Lote, Lo-Toga, Löyöp, Manam, Marovo, Maskelynes, Mato, Mavea, Mono-Alu, Motu, Mussau-Emira, Mwotlap, Nafsan, Nahavaq, Namakura, Nanggu, Nduke, Neve‘ei, Neverver, Ninde, North Efate, Nume, Paamese, Papapana, Raga, Rotuman, Roviana, Sa, Sakao, Saliba, Siar, Sio, Ske, Sobei, Sursurunga, Tamambo, Tami, Teanu, Tigak, Tirax, Tolai, Touo, Ubir, Ughele, Uneapa, Vatlongos, Vitu, Vurës, Western Fijian, Yabem, Yapese

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page created: 07.12.22. Last modified: 07.12.22


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