Tolai (Tinata Tuna)

Tolai is a member of the Oceanic branch of the Malayo-Polynesian language family. It is spoken on the Gazelle Peninsula in East New Britain Province of Papua New Guinea. In 1991 there were about 81,000 speakers of Tolai, which is also known as Kuanua, Blanche Bay, Gunantuna, New Britain Language or Tuna. The native name, Tinata Tuna, means "the real language". Tolai is used a church language in East New Britain and New Ireland provinces

Tolai alphabet and pronunciation

Tolai alphabet and pronunciation

Download an alphabet chart for Tolai (Excel)

Details provided by Michael Peter Füstumum

Sample text (Lord's Prayer)

Tama i vevet arama ra bala na bakut, boina ba da ru ru iangim. Boina ba na vut laum varkurai. Boina ba da toratorom tam ra pia, varigop dia toratorom tam aramaa ra bala na bakut. A bung gori una tabar i avet ma aveve nian. Una re vue kaveve nilala, varogop ave tar re vue ka diat dia ga lala oa ta vevet. Koko da ben avet ta ra varilam, una valaun avet kan ra tena kaina. Tago kaum muka ra varkurai, ma ra dekdek, ma ra variru, pa na mutu. Amen


Our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.


Sample videos in Tolai

Information about Tolai | Tower of Babel


Information about Tolai

Oceanic languages

Adzera, Ahamb, Äiwoo, Aneityum, Apma, Araki, Are, ’Auhelawa, Avava, Babatana, Bariai, Bola, Big Numbas, Buhutu, Bwaidoka, Caac, Cheke Holo, Dorig, Hiri Motu, Hiw, Hoava, Kakabai, Kaninuwa, Kokota, Kove, Kurti, Lakon, Lehali, Lenakel, Lewo, Lote, Lo-Toga, Löyöp, Manam, Marovo, Maskelynes, Mato, Mavea, Mono-Alu, Motu, Mussau-Emira, Mwotlap, Nafsan, Nahavaq, Namakura, Nanggu, Nduke, Neve‘ei, Neverver, Ninde, North Efate, Nume, Paamese, Papapana, Raga, Rotuman, Roviana, Sa, Sakao, Saliba, Siar, Sio, Ske, Sobei, Sursurunga, Tamambo, Tami, Teanu, Tigak, Tirax, Tolai, Touo, Ubir, Ughele, Uneapa, Vatlongos, Vitu, Vurës, Western Fijian, Yabem, Yapese

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 31.10.22


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