Ossetian (ирон ӕвзаг / дигорон ӕвзаг)

Ossetian is a member of the Northeastern Iranian branch of Indo-European languages. About 500,000 people speak Ossetian in Ossetia, a region that straddles the border or Russia and Georgia. The majority of Ossetian speakers live in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (Цӕгат Ирыстоны Аланийы Республикӕ) in Russia. The Ossetic-speaking region of Georgia is called South Ossetia (Республикӕ Хуссар Ирыстон). There are also some Ossetian speakers in Turkey.

There are two main dialects of Ossetian, Iron (Ирон) and Digor (Дигор). Iron is the most widely-spoken dialect and the basis for written Ossetian. Another dialect, Jassic, used to be spoken in Hungary.

Ossetian is an official language in North and South Ossetia. There are a couple of Ossetian newspaper, and the language is taught in schools.

Ossetian was first written during the 18th century with a version of the Arabic script. Then in 1844, a method of writing Ossetian with the Cyrillic alphabet was developed by Sjoegren. Between 1923 and 1937 a version of the Latin alphabet was used to write the language, and since 1938 the Cyrillic alphabet has been used, though from 1938 to the 1950s, a version of the Georgian alphabet was used to write Ossetian in South Ossetia.

Latin alphabet for Ossetian (1923-1937)

Latin alphabet for Ossetian

Georgian alphabet for Ossetian (1938-1950)

Georgian alphabet for Ossectian

Cyrillic alphabet for Ossetian (1938-present)

Cyrillic alphabet for Ossectian

Download alphabet charts for Ossetian (Excel)

Ossetian sample text (Cyrillic)

Адӕймӕгтӕ се 'ппӕт дӕр райгуырынц сӕрибарӕй ӕмӕ ӕмхуызонӕй сӕ барты. Уыдон ӕххӕст сты зонд ӕмӕ намысӕй, ӕмӕ кӕрӕдзийӕн хъуамӕ уой ӕфсымӕрты хуызӕн.

Ossetian sample text (Georgian)

ადჽჲმჽგთჽ სე 'ფფჽთ დჽრ რაჲგუჷრჷნც სჽრიბარჽჲ ჽმჽ ჽმხუჷ ზoნჽჲ სჽ ბართჷ. უჷდoნ ჽხხჽსთ სთჷ ზoნდ ჽმჽ ნამჷსჽჲ, ჽმჽ ქჽრჽძიჲჽნ ყუამჽ უoჲ ჽჶსჷმჽრთჷ ხუჷზჽნ.

Source: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Осетинская_письменность


Adæjmægtæ se 'ppæt dær rajguyrync særibaræj æmæ æmxuy zonæj sæ barty. Uydon æxxæst sty zond æmæ namysæj, æmæ kærædzijæn quamæ uoj æfsymærty xuyzæn.

A recording of this text by Taymuraz Zaseev


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Details of the Georgian alphabet for Ossetian and the sample text in the Georgian alphabet provided by Michael Peter Füstumum

Sample videos in Ossetian

Information about Ossetian | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel


Information about the Ossetian Language
http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Languages/ossetic.htm http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~siamakr/Kurdish/KURDICA/2003/1/Ossetic.html

Information about the Digor dialect of Ossetian and the Digor people

Details of the Ossetian alphabets (Russian)

Ossetian lessons

A Grammatical Sketch of Ossetic

Ossetian phrases

Iranian languages

Avestan, Bactrian Baluchi, Bartangi, Dari, Gilaki, Hazaragi, Ishkashimi, Judeo-Persian, Juhuri, Khufi, Kumzari, Kurdish, Luri, Mazandarani, Munji, Ossetian, Ormuri, Oroshor, Persian, Parthian, Pashto, Rushani, Sanglechi, Sarikoli, Shabaki, Shughni, Tajik, Talysh, Tat, Wakhi, Wanetsi, Yaghnobi, Yazghulami, Yidgha, Zazaki

Languages written with the Cyrillic alphabet

Abaza, Abkhaz, Adyghe, Aghul, Akhvakh, Akkala Sámi, Aleut, Altay, Alyutor, Andi, Archi, Assyrian / Neo-Assyrian, Avar, Azeri, Bagvalal, Balkar, Bashkir, Belarusian, Bezhta, Bosnian, Botlikh, Budukh, Bulgarian, Buryat, Chamalal, Chechen, Chelkan, Chukchi, Chulym, Chuvash, Crimean Tatar, Dargwa, Daur, Dolgan, Dungan, Enets, Erzya, Even, Evenki, Gagauz, Godoberi, Hinukh, Hunzib, Ingush, Interslavic, Itelmen, Juhuri, Kabardian, Kaitag, Kalderash Romani, Kalmyk, Karaim, Karakalpak, Karata, Karelian, Kazakh, Ket, Khakas, Khanty, Khinalug, Khorasani Turkic, Khwarshi, Kildin Sámi, Kili, Komi, Koryak, Krymchak, Kryts, Kubachi, Kumandy, Kumyk, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Lak, Lezgi, Lingua Franca Nova, Lithuanian, Ludic, Macedonian, Mansi, Mari, Moksha, Moldovan, Mongolian, Montenegrin, Nanai, Negidal, Nenets, Nganasan, Nivkh, Nogai, Old Church Slavonic, Oroch, Orok, Ossetian, Pontic Greek, Romanian, Rushani, Russian, Rusyn, Rutul, Selkup, Serbian, Shor, Shughni, Siberian Tatar, Sirenik, Slovio, Soyot, Tabassaran, Tajik, Talysh, Tat, Tatar, Teleut, Ter Sámi, Tindi, Tofa, Tsakhur, Tsez, Turkmen, Tuvan, Ubykh, Udege, Udi, Udmurt, Ukrainian, Ulch, Urum, Uyghur, Uzbek, Veps, Votic, Wakhi, West Polesian, Xibe, Yaghnobi, Yakut, Yazghulami, Yukaghir (Northern / Tundra), Yukaghir (Southern / Kolyma), Yupik (Central Siberian)

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 23.04.21


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