Omniglot News 2022

25th December

New languages: Isoko, Tigak and Urhobo

New adapated script: Ko Āwherika Māori

ꗛ ꗳ ꕪꗋꕉ ꖺ ꕋ ꕚꕋꕚ ꔤ ꗳ ꕘꕯꖕꕋꕚꕋ ꕮꔤ ꗡ ꕎꗳꕉ ꕉꕯ ꔤ ꕋ ꗤꗸ ꕪꗋꕉ; ꗡ ꕚꖕꔸꗳꔸꗳ ꕉꕯ ꖽꕃ ꕋ ꕮꕯ ꘈ ꕋ ꔳꕪ. ꗡ ꕘꕪꔱꔱꕉ ꕉꕯ ꖽꕃ ꕃ ꕉ ꕟꗋꖕ ꗳ ꕋꕪꖕ ꕘꔤ ꕘꕪꕉꗐ ꘈ ꗳ ꔦꘉꕋꗐ ꗞꔦꖺ ꕃ ꗳ ꔳꕪ ꘈ ꗳ ꗤ, ꕉ ꗡ ꔳꕪ ꕉꕯ ꕃꕉ ꘈꔤꕋ ꗳ ꕮꔦ ꕉ ꗳꕚꔦ ꘈ ꕮ ꗐꗋ ꕉꖤ ꔤ ꗳ ꕎꔤꖩꕉ ꖺ ꗳ ꗟꖽ ꕚꔦ, ꕉꗟ ꗤ ꗳꔤꕯ ꗤ ꖤꕉꕪꕯ ꔤ ꔸꕋ ꔤ ꗳ ꕘꕪꕉꗐ ꗛꕚꔦ.

New numbers pages: Isoko, Tigak, Papapana and Urhobo

New Tower of Babel translations: Aruamu, Gapapaiwa and Urhobo

New Omniglot blog posts: Christmas Quiz, Eve and Werifesteria

New Celtiadur post: Magic and Spells

A Multilingual Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it.

18th December

New writing system: Naasioi Otomaung Alphabet

Sample text in the Naasioi Otomaung Alphabet

New languages: Ghari, Naasioi and Selaru

New numbers page: Ghari, Selaru and Ida’an

New adapted scripts: Magyargari and Malay Shavian

New Tower of Babel translations: Roviana, Ghari, Cheke Holo, Central Sinama, Nigerian Pidgin, Western Bolivian Guaraní and Selaru

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Pedestrian Paradise

New Celtiadur post: Speckled and Spotted

New Adventure in Etymology: Snort

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Javelin

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

11th December

New language: Bola

New constructed script: Geolmgeul

Sample text in Geolmgeul

New adapated scripts: Latvian Runes

ᚡᛁᛊᛁ ᛍᛁᛚᚡᛖᚴᛁ ᛈᛁᛂᛞᛎᛁᛗᛊᛏ ᛒᚱᚣᚡᛁ ᚢᚾ ᚡᛁᛂᚾᛚᚣᛞᛎᚣᚵᛁ ᛊᚨᚡᚪ ᛈᚨᛋᛍᛁᛂᛄᚪ ᚢᚾ ᛏᛁᛂᛊᚣᛒᚪᛊ᛫ ᚡᛁᛄᛁ ᛁᚱ ᚨᛈᚡᛂᛚᛏᚣᛏᛁ ᚨᚱ ᛊᚨᛈᚱᚪᛏᚢ ᚢᚾ ᛊᛁᚱᛞᛊᚨᛈᛎᛁᛄᚢ᛬ ᚢᚾ ᚡᛁᛄᛁᛂᛗ ᛃᚪᛁᛎᛏᚢᚱᚨᛊ ᛍᛁᛏᚨᛗ ᛈᚱᛂᛏ ᛍᛁᛏᚢ ᛒᚱᚪᛚᚣᛒᚨᛊ ᚵᚨᚱᚪ᛫

New numbers pages: Kwara’ae, Bola and Wiradjuri

New Tower of Babel translations: Gonja and Kwara’ae

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Census

New Celtiadur posts: Coracles and Prison

New Adventure in Etymology: Jail/Gaol

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Coracle

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

4th December

New languages: Vitu, East Cree and Akkala Sámi

New constructed script: Ladowshand

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Ladowshand

New numbers pages: Vitu, Yelmek, Biak and Kelabit

New Tower of Babel transation: Esatern Arrernte

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and As Happy As A Shoe

New Celtiadur posts: Boots and Shoes and Foreheads

New Adventure in Etymology / Celtic Pathways podcast: Brogue

Improved pages: Klallam and Koasati language pages.

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

27th November

New languages: Nobonob, Kokota and Aneityum

New constructed script: Latin Partabet

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Latin Partabet

New adapated script: Japan Arabic

سوبوتي نو نينڬين وا جييوٓ ني اوماري، سونڬين تو كينري نو تيندي بيوٓدوٓديسو. كاريرا ني وا ايشيكي‌ تو كنجوٓ ڬا اري، اوتاڬاي ني كوٓدوٓ سورو هيتسويوٓ ڬا اريماسو كيوٓداي أي نو سييشين دي.

New numbers pages: Manam, Sursurunga, Western Subanon and Kokota

New Tower of Babel text-align: right;: Aneityum

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Water Trumpets

New Celtiadur post: Sticks and Rods

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Flowers

New Adventure in Etymology: Quiver

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

20th November

New languages: Ughele, Samogitian and Taiwanese Hakka

New constructed script: Verical

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Verical

New adapated script: Urduk Cyrillic

New numbers pages: Ughele, Siar, Tamambo and Miami

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Short Shrift

New Celtiadur post: Hooks and Crooks

New Celtic cognates pages: Countries and Languages

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Mutton

New Adventure in Etymology: Nonchalant

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

13th November

New languages: Sa, Daakaka and Nengone

New constructed script: Cebuano Script (Suwat Sinugbu)

Sample text in the Cebuano Script

New numbers pages: Ingrian and Nengone and Etruscan

New Celitadur post: Up Above

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Crooked and Twisted

New Tower of Babel translation: Lun Bawang

New Omniglot blog post: Language Quiz and Myriads

New Adventure in Etymology: Befuddle

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

6th November

New languages: Tamambo, Neverver and Big Numbas

New constructed script: Katemayar

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Katemayar

New numbers page: Ambel, Big Numbas, Paku and Warao

New Omniglot blog post: Language Quiz and Tidy!

New Celtiadur posts: Hosts of Folks, Halloween 🎃👻🦇

New Celtic Pathways podcast: A Slew of Slogans

New Adventure in Etymology: Rubble

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

30th October

New language pages: Batak Angkola, Batak Dairi, Batak Karo, Batak Simalungun, Batak Mandailing, Batak Toba and Makalero

New constructed script: Jierimse, an alternative way to write Austalian English.

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Jierimse

New numbers pages: Tobelo, Kembayan and Kambera

New Tower of Babel translations: Batak Angkola, Batak Pakpak, Batak Karo, Batak Simalungun, Batak Toba, Yali and Talaud

New Omniglot blog post: Language Quiz and Miss Pelling

New Celtiadur post: Heels

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Clan

New Adventure in Etymology: Hallow

Improved page: Batak script

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

23rd October

New languages: Ketengban and Wapishana

New constructed script: Glagoñol and High Gavellian

New numbers pages: Dawan, Ngalum, Lepki, Maoand Ketengban

New Tower of Babel translations: Pamona, Tobelo, Termanu, Una, Rampi, Gorontalo, Saluan, Mentawai, Banggai and Sangirese

New silly phrases page in Scottish Gaelic

New article: Four Nordic languages around the Baltic Sea

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Snoozle

New Celtiadur post: Peace and Fairies

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Sacks

New Adventure in Etymology: Spell

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

16th October

New languages: Mao, Lehali and Löyöp

New numbers pages: Ketengban, Ge'ez and Aleut

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Jealous Envy

New Celtiadur post: Gloves and Sleeves

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Step

New Adventure in Etymology: Jelly

New song: What Did I Come In Here For?

Simon Ager · What Did I Come In Here For?

Improved pages: Balinese language, Balinese phrases and Balinese numbers

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

9th October

New languages: Dumi, Iaai and Äiwoo

New constructed script: Altus

New numbers pages: Dumi, Yaghnobi and Wapishana

New family words page: Urdu

New Tower of Babel translation: Iaai

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Different Worlds

New Celtiadur post: Flour

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Iron

New Adventure in Etymology: Investigate

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

2nd October

New languages: Hiw and Rapa

New constructed script: Nawa

New numbers pages: Besermyan, Rapa and Fula

New version of the Tower of Babel: Deseret

New Omniglot blog post: Language Quizand Sake

New Celtiadur posts: Foundations and Flowers

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Wool

New Adventure in Etymology: Quay

Improved pages: Old Uyghur alphabet page, Beitha Kukju and Elbasan language pages.

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

25th September

New languages: Moba, Konkomba, Gourmanchéma

New constructed script: Mawar

New numbers pages: Rotuman, Phoenician, Iu Mien and Ewe

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Fangled

New Celtiadur post: Buying and Purchasing

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Beer

New Adventure in Etymology: Rabbit

New song: As Easy As

Simon Ager · As Easy As

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

18th September

New languages: Berba, Midland Mixe and Bedawi Arabic

New phrases page: Bassa

New numbers pages: Dungan, Acehnese and Tedim

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Wanderwörter

New Celtiadur post: Hammers

Improved page: Bells and Clocks on Celtiadur.

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Bells & Clocks

New Adventure in Etymology: Campus

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

11th September

New languages: Isthmus Mixe and Isan

New numbers pages: Hmong Dau, Isthmus Mixe, Isan

New family words page: Khmer

New constructed / adapted scripts: Tengwar for Kurdish

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quizand Sleep like a ...

New Celtiadur posts: Surfaces and Blood

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Wagons and Carts

Improved page: Wagons & Carts on Celtiadur.

New Adventure in Etymology: Nostril

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

4th September

New languages: Gulf Arabic, Kusaal and Southern Birifor

New numbers pages: Proto-Polynesian and Emae

New family words pages: Lao and Thai

New recordings: Finnish numbers

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Apologetic Thanks

New Celtiadur post: This & That

New Celtic pathways podcast: Horses

New Adventure in Etymology: Hat

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

28th August

New languages: Jian'ou, Frafra and Mampruli

New constructed / adapted scripts: Ka Hakalama Hou, Scorapice, Göktürkçe

New phrases page: Oromo

New numbers pages: Mossi, Mampruli, Tai Nuea

New Tower of Babel translation: Mampruli

New article: The Gaelic dialects of St Kilda

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Six Ways to Sunday

New Celtiadur posts: Servants and Bareness

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Servants

New Adventure in Etymology: Library

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

21st August

New languages: Láá Láá Bwamu and Tai Dón

New constructed / adapated scripts: Goulsse, Swedish Runes and Compact Morse Code

New phrases page: Yongbei Zhuang

New numbers pages: Tai Dam, Yongbei Zhuang

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Before the Deluge

New Celtiadur post: Waves

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Druids

New Adventure in Etymology: Photoptarmosis

Improved pages: Tai Dam language page, and Tai Viet script page.

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

14th August

New languages: South Marquesan, North Marquesan and Ambel

New numbers pages: Ahom, Tai Lue, Shan, South Marquesan and North Marquesan

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Essuie-tout

New Celtiadur post: Sailing

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Bards and Poets

New Adventure in Etymology: Sneeze

New song: That's When We'll Do That Thing

Simon Ager · That's When We'll Do That Thing

New recordings: Western Armenian phrases

Improved pages: Dehong Dai / Tai Le script, Tai Nuea language and Tai Lue language

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

7th August

New languages: Obo and Najdi Arabic

New writing system: General Chinese

New constructed script: Kacheritopu

New numbers pages: Chamalal, Aguaruna, Archi and Bagvalal

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Feverish

New Celtiadur post: Trembling

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Family

New Adventure in Etymology: Fever

Improved page: Archi

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

31st July

New languages: Hejazi Arabic and Hadza

New constructed / adapted scripts: Mylydian and Simplified Arabic Alphabet

New numbers pages: Hejazi Arabic, Tindi and Budukh

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Kenning

New Celtiadur post: Lamentation

New song: Lost in a Good Book

Simon Ager · Lost in a Good Book

Improved page: Linear B

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

24th July

New languages: Bukusu, Athpare and Porohanon

New numbers pages: Tobian, Bonggi and Pingelapese

New article: Scottish Gaelic dialects of Arran

New Omniglot blog post: Language Quiz and Tatami Swimming

New Celtiadur posts: Rawness, Rotten Fragrance

New Celtic Pathways podcast: People

New Adventure in Etymology: Dean

New song: Melting 😅

Simon Ager · Melting 😅

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

17th July

New languages: Suwawa, Palikúr and Haroi

New numbers page: Ewondo, Apurinã, Bambassi

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, League of the Lexicon and Wurbling Wurblers

New Celtiadur posts: Sieving Riddles and Brushes and Broom

New series on Radio Omniglot: Celtic Pathways - Languages and Tongues

New Adventure in Etymology: Riddles

Improved pages: Classical Quechua and Cuzco Quechua

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

10th July

New languages: Dominican Creole, Oluta Popoluca and Sayula Popoluca

New numbers page: Dominican Creole, Yonaguni and Sayula Popoluca

New adapated scripts: Hocak, Jawacaraka and Qurditsuraya

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Dahu Hunting

New Celtiadur posts: Ferns and Bracken, Waterfalls

New Adventure in Etymology: Daff

New song: Pannas Owen

Simon Ager · Pannas Owen (Owen's Parsnips)

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

3rd July

New languages: Lhowa, Yola, Munji and Yidgha

New adapted script: Głagolicy

New numbers page: Lun Bawang, Yola, Ho

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Distreetly Discrete, Pseudonyms

New Celtiadur posts: Emptiness and Soft and Tender

New Adventure in Etymology: Puffin

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

26th June

New languages: Bolyu and Mamaindê

New constructed / adapted scripts: Arabo-Chinese, Inglisuraya and Jigul

New phrases page: Sierra Leone Creole

New numbers pages: Sierra Leone Creole, Omaha, Osage and Gwichʼin

New Tower of Babel translation: Sierra Leone Creole

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Mountain Wind and Antidry

New Celtiadur posts: Crooked

New Adventure in Etymology: Secret

Improved pages: Osage language and Osage script (now separate pages)

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

19th June

New languages: Santiagueño Quechua, Gawar, Wambule and Sabanê

New numbers pages: Ho-Chunk (Winnebago), Menominee, Potawatomi, Shawnee and Naskapi

New terms of endearment page: Mandarin Chinese

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Turning Oxen

New Celtiadur posts: Second Others, Lead

New Celtic Pathways podcast: Family

New Adventure in Etymology: Butter

The interview I did on the Language Hacking Podcast was released this week.

Improved pages: Naskapi language, Latvian language and Ho-Chunk language pages, and the Hočąk Syllabary page.

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

12th June

New languages: Gawar Bati, Huaylla Wanca Quechua, Sakizaya

New constructed and adapted scripts: Arwo Wanco and Armerican

New numbers pages: Egyptian Arabic and Ayacucho Quechua

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Short on

New Celtiadur posts: Copper

New Adventure in Etymology: Roof

Improved page: Kutchi language

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

5th June

New languages: Dhatki, Penobscot and Moose Cree

New constructed script: Pangeul

New numbers pages: Penobscot, Moose Cree and Kutchi

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Pepper and Salt and Moose

New Celtiadur posts: Tin, Metal

New Adventure in Etymology: Circus

New song: Ffaldiral

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

29th May

New languages: Swampy Cree, Bilua, Cajamarca Quechua, Totontepec Mixe, Plains Cree, Tlahuitoltepec Mixe

New numbers pages: Swampy Cree, Bilua and Plains Cree

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Podiums

New Celtiadur posts: Iron and Hard Steel

New Adventure in Etymology: Tat

Improved page: Cree Syllabics

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

22nd May

New languages: Western Pwo, Sümi, Tai Laing and Northern Pwo

New numbers pages: Mikasuki, Alabama and Chickasaw

New weather words: Mandarin Chinese

New Celtic cognates page: Metals

New Tower of Babel translations: Northern Pwo and Western Pwo

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Babyfoot and Accented

New Celtiadur post: Doors

New Adventure in Etymology: Lead

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

15th May

New languages: Manumanaw Karen, Pa'O and Huallaga Quechua

New constructed script: Timescript

New phrases page: Kichwa

New numbers page: Ancash Quechua and Kichwa

New articles:

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Befrogged

New Celtiadur posts: Mind Sense, Wood Intelligence

New Adventure in Etymology: Quiet 🤫

New song: Quiet Please

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

8th May

New languages: Eastern Pwo Karen, Aloápam Zapotec, Mewari and Bagri

New numbers pages: Burushaski, Aloápam Zapotec and Huasteco

New article: Three Scottish Gaelic dialects and their possible relationship to ancient history

New Omniglot blog post: Language Quiz and Smile 🙂😃😄😎🙃

New Celtiadur posts: Bolts and Locks and Heather

New Adventure in Etymology: Frolicking Frogs 🐸

Improved page: S'gaw Karen

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

1st May

New languages: Eton, Kamba and Ancash Quechua

New numbers pages: Dane-zaa, Karaim and Kamba

New constructed script: Shakeel

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Long Time

New Celtiadur posts: Nephews and Nieces

New Adventure in Etymology: Nepotism

Improved page: Võro phrases

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

24th April

New languages: Nyakyusa, Iki Turki and Haya

New numbers pages: Old Turkic, Kumyk, Urum and Salar

New Tower of Babel translation: Haya

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Good Pickaxes

New Celtiadur posts: Sisters and Brothers

New Adventure in Etymology: Technology

Improved page: Arvanitic

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

17th April

New languages: Pumi, Bantayanon and Belhare

New constructed script: Kakemoji

New numbers pages: Kirundi, Brahui and Susu

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Together Living

New Celtiadur posts: Fathers and Mothers

New Adventure in Etymology: Pique

Improved pages: Võro numbers, Susu language, Tower of Babel in Võro, Mandarin Chinese and Classical Chinese

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

10th April

New languages: Gogo, Kuria and Gusii

New writing system: Arleng

New constructed scripts: Humaira and Karbi Mek'lek

New numbers pages: Lakota, Dakota and Gusii

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Dawning

New Celtiadur post: Dough

New Adventure in Etymology: Anniversary

Improved page: Karbi

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

3rd April

New languages: Tonga, Nande and Mogholi

New constructed script: Evhmelish

New adapted script: Cyrillic for Brazilian Portuguese

New numbers pages: Northern Sotho, Southern Sotho and Swati

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Rush Reeds and Unapologetic Accents

New Celtiadur post: Knotty Bulges

New Adventure in Etymology: Fool

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

27th March

New languages: Goral, Songe and Galo

New constructed scripts: Siekoo and Quadoo

New numbers pages: Southern Ndebele, Luganda, Comorian and Tsonga

New time page: Basque

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Sleeve Monkeys

New Celtiadur posts: Festive Feasts and Salt

New Adventure in Etymology: Salt

Improved pages: Greek, Basque and Vai language pages, and Vai syllabary page.

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

20th March

New languages: Punu, Nyungwe and Masaaba

New constructed / adapted scripts: Cyringit and Fakoo

New numbers pages: Punu, Makhuwa and Nyungwe

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Enlisted Fathers

New Celtiadur post: Yearning

New Adventure in Etymology: Sloom

Improved pages: Toki Pona, Makhuwa

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

13th March

New languages: Tiv, Nyamwezi, Luvale and Mbunda

New phrases pages: Chokwe and Tiv

New numbers pages: Chokwe, Tiv, Shona, Luvale, Mbunda

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Charlatan Snake Oil and Perapera

New Celtiadur post: Roofs

New Adventure in Etymology: Knot

Improved pages: Greenlandic language and Shona language

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

6th March

New languages: San Dionisio Ocotepec Zapotec, Güilá Zapotec, Choápam Zapotec, Rincón Zapotec, Miahuatlán Zapotec, Zoogocho Zapotec

New constructed script: Rahmat

New numbers pages: Choápam Zapotec, Rincón Zapotec and Isthmus Zapotec

New Celtiadur post: Key Openings

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Fiery Lakes

New Adventure in Etymology: Deck

Improved pages: Yiddish language and Yiddish phrases

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

27th February

New languages: Nso, Sirenik and Molbog

New numbers pages: Yupik (Central Siberian), Yup'ik (Central Alaskan) and Yao

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Stellar Stars

New Celtiadur posts: Arrows and Druids

New Adventure in Etymology: Timber

Improved pages: Hanifi Rohingya script, Rohingya language and Chittagonian

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

20th February

New languages: Tawbuid, Ambala and Hatang Kayi

New numbers pages: Andi, Kodava and Aheri Gondi

New adapated script: Greek Arabic

New article: Ancient language and extra-Indo-European language in Britain

New song: Lillilu

Simon Ager · Lillilu

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Lillilu and Gadwaddicking Gads

New Celtiadur posts: Smiths, Walls

New Adventure in Etymology: Wood

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

13th February

New languages: Khorchin, Bugan and Khamnigan Mongol

New adapated scripts: Roenskrif and Nahuangul

New numbers pages: Wa, Nyah Kur and Mon

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Language Politics

New Celtiadur post: Material

New Adventure in Etymology: Paint

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

6th February

New languages: Kaitag, Komering, Jarud and Agutaynen

New constructed script: Jyutcitzi (粵切字)

New numbers pages: Chipewyan, Sekani, Cistercian Numbers, Agutaynen

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Britland

New Celtiadur post: Wings

New Adventure in Etymology: Veranda

Improved pages: To See & To Be on the Celtiadur.

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

30th January

New languages: Kaitag, Komering, Jarud and Agutaynen

New constructed script: Jyutcitzi (粵切字)

New numbers pages: Chipewyan, Sekani, Cistercian Numbers, Agutaynen

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Britland

New Celtiadur post: Wings

New Adventure in Etymology: Champion

Improved pages: To See & To Be on the Celtiadur.

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

23rd January

New languages: Lambya, Chakhar (Mongolian), Barin (Mongolian) and Nusu

New numbers page: Tsakonian

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz, Oak Knowers and Playing Around

New Celtiadur post: Knowledge

New Adventure in Etymology: Dust

New song: Dust

Simon Ager · Dust / Llwch

Improved pages: Russian, Krymchak and Thai language pages, the Theban alphabet page, and the Ukrainian numbers page

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also


16th January

New languages: Alasha, Weitou, Kumzari and Southern Qiang

New constructed script: Featural Lojban Abjad

New numbers pages: Monguor, Santa and Kumzari

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Jargon

New Celtiadur post: Mysterious Secrets

New Adventure in Etymology: Bizarre

Improved page: Vietnamese

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also


9th January

New languages: Baybayanon, Inabaknon and Bajaw

New adapated script: Ermənbası

New numbers pages: Khitan, Daur and Buryat

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Resolutions

New Celtiadur posts: Knives and Forks

New Adventure in Etymology: Runes (ᚱᚢᚾᛟ),

Improved pages: Pohnpeian, Lun Bawang, Maguindanao, Pinyin and Melanau

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also


2nd January 2022

New languages: Umiray Dumaget and Klata

New adapted script: lshucid

New numbers pages: Jurchen and Xibe

New Omniglot blog posts: Language Quiz and Old Long Since

New Celtiadur post: Ladles and Spoons

New Adventure in Etymology: New Year

Improved pages: Manchu numbers, Georgian language, Asomtavruli alphabet, Nuskhuri alphabet and Mkhedruli alphabet

Hear a recording of this week's news. See also

A Multilingual Happy New Year!

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